Browsing All posts tagged under »Same-Sex Marriages«

Fact-Checking 7 Claims By Defenders Of Democrats’ Marriage Bill

November 18, 2022 by


By Roger Severino ~ How did Senate liberals convince 12 Republicans to break ranks and endorse a same-sex marriage bill that puts a giant target on people of faith? It took help from (some) people and organizations of faith, such as the National Association of Evangelicals and, most surprisingly, the Church of Jesus Christ of […]

House-Passed ‘Respect For Marriage Act’ Isn’t About Marriage. It’s About Complying With Woke Ideology.

July 21, 2022 by


By Jared Eckert ~ In an alarmist overreaction to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, congressional liberals this week passed radical legislation mislabeled as the Respect for Marriage Act. Although the bill’s final passage would threaten civil society and fundamental American freedoms, conservatives should see this development for what it really is: a publicity stunt. […]

Gay Marriage Australia – Will Gay Divorce Happen Sooner?

December 11, 2017 by


By Anton Lang ~ Oh, the bitter irony! It seems that here in Australia, there may be a same sex divorce before any same sex marriages can be formalised. Recently, here in Australia, the Same Sex Marriage debate was resolved when after a public vote, Australians voted to legalise same sex marriages, by a margin […]

Gay Marriage Australia – Don’t Mention The Muslim No Vote

November 20, 2017 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ THE strangest thing about the gay marriage vote has been the Left’s refusal to admit Muslim Australians were so strongly against it. Take ABC newsreader Juanita Phillips on the day the Yes result was declared. “Arguably one of the more surprising aspects of the survey was the support for the No […]

Gay Marriage Australia – ABC Astonished And Embarrassed By Muslims Voting No

November 16, 2017 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ Now that the Gay Marriage vote has been ‘done and dusted’ here in Australia, the ABC finds it “surprising” that electorates with big Muslim minorities voted no to gay marriage. The reporter explains that this is because the electorates are religiously and ethnically “diverse”. The “M” word is never mentioned, because […]

Gay Marriage Australia – Labor Party Seats Reject Same Sex Marriage: Will Labor MP’s Represent Their Voters?

November 15, 2017 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ Journalists kept demanding Liberal MPs respect the will of their voters if those voters said yes to gay marriage. In fact, the nine seats which voted most strongly against – in one case by 74 per cent – are all held by Labor MPs. The nine highest no-voting electorates: Jason Clare’s […]

Australian Voters Say Yes To Gay Marriage

November 15, 2017 by


By Anton Lang ~ Here in Australia, at around 10AM on Wednesday morning, the result of the vote to legalise Gay Marriage was announced and it was what is really a resounding vote in favour of legalising Gay Marriage. Almost 62% voted Yes, and 38% voted No, so it was in fact a comprehensive victory […]

Gay Marriage Australia – Abbott Tells Turnbull: Match Words With Deeds On Gay Marriage

November 14, 2017 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott challenges Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to match words with deeds:   Less than two months ago, the Prime Minister said: “I … want to reassure Australians that as strongly as I believe in the right of same-sex couples to marry, even more strongly … do I […]

Gay Marriage Australia – Attorney General George Brandis Attacks Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott On The Free Speech Brandis Just Sold Out

September 28, 2017 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ Australia’s Attorney General George Brandis two weeks ago helped pass new laws limiting debate on gay marriage, and – even more sinister – giving him  the power to decide if and when these laws will be applied. But it turns out this self-proclaimed warrior for free speech is not just a […]

Gay Marriage Australia – They Don’t Talk Freedom Because They Don’t Respect It

September 27, 2017 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ Paul Kelly is right:   Our flawed approach to changes in marriage law is revealed in the latest Newspoll — a 57 per cent majority wants same-sex marriage and an even bigger 62 per cent majority wants religious beliefs protected — yet this obvious nexus is most unlikely to be achieved. […]

Gay Marriage Australia – Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott Bashed, Gay Marriage Supporters Cheer

September 22, 2017 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ Not the principle but the side: gay-marriage campaigners don’t mind bullying and violence after all. Peter Mattesi, director of the Australian Writers Guild, cheers the yes-supporter who headbutted former Prime Minister Tony Abbott: “I would *love* to headbutt Tony Abbott.” Tim Blair finds a lot of other Leftists love this violence, […]

Gay Marriage Australia – AFL Bullies Fans Over Same-Sex Marriage

September 21, 2017 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ Why is the AFL (Australian Football League) imposing a collective position on what should be an individual decision – and when perhaps 40 per cent of players and spectators have a different point of view? “The AFL has divided its fans, clubs and some of its biggest names by publicly endorsing […]

How Britain Has Changed Since Gay Marriage

September 9, 2017 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ British politicians imposed gay marriage on their country without asking voters first. David Sergeant now reviews what’s happened since – and it’s more of the same bullying, including threats to churches and the schools facing closure for not promoting new gender theories. Example: In a heartbreaking development and in spite of […]

Gay Marriage Australia – 5000 Gay Marriage Bullies Pick on Pansy Lai

September 4, 2017 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ Here in Australia, the thuggery of many same-sex marriage supporters is sick. The latest: Supporters of the Yes campaign for same-sex marriage have launched a bid to deregister a doctor who appeared in the first television advertisement for the No case in a move that threatens other practitioners. Since appearing as […]

Gay Marriage Australia – Fathers’ Day TV Ad Pulled: Too ‘Political’ To Praise Dads

September 2, 2017 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ TonyfromOz prefaces: Unlike most places in the World, Fathers’ Day here in Australia is celebrated on the first Sunday in September, and that day is tomorrow. The Group which brought out the TV ad featured below is an Australian group called Dads4Kids, and for many years now they have been bringing […]

Gay Marriage Australia – The TV Ad Doesn’t Lie: Schoolboys told That They Can Wear Dresses

August 31, 2017 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ The Age omits a key detail in trying to discredit the TV ad opposing same-sex marriage here in Australia. Its report: A Melbourne principal has disputed a mother’s claim – aired in an anti same-sex marriage TV ad – that her son was told he could wear a dress to school. […]

Gay Marriage Australia – “Don’t Cheer For Gay Sports Stars” Comment Fine, Says ABC

August 28, 2017 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ I said the questioning by ABC presenter Joe ‘O’Brien was bat-crazy. Now: A complaint of bias has been made against the ABC after a news presenter appeared to suggest gay marriage opponents had no right to cheer gay athletes, such as Ian Thorpe. The Australian Christian Lobby last night said the […]

Gay Marriage Australia – Same-Sex Marriage Bullies Take Your Money For Their Cause

August 25, 2017 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ Many same-sex marriage activists seem tyrants at heart. The ACT Government collects taxes from people both for and against same-sex marriage – but then does this: “The ACT government’s pro-same sex marriage campaign is expected to cost $45,000.” Money spent on the no case: Zero Dollars. Chief Minister Andrew Barr, not […]

Gay Marriage Australia – Ireland’s Warning: First Gay Marriage, Then Your Freedoms Will Fall

August 23, 2017 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ Here in Australia, activists – even Attorney-General George Brandis – claim the same-sex marriage plebiscite has nothing to do with freedom of speech and religion. Really? Check what happened in Ireland the minute gay marriage was made legal. Let these same activists here in Australia swear they will oppose such intolerance […]

Gay Marriage Australia – But The Bullying Is Exactly What They Love

August 22, 2017 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ Rowan Dean: First, a declaration. I have long supported the idea that gay couples should be allowed to be joined for life with all the equal rights, recognition and dignity that any heterosexual couple or de facto couple enjoy under the law…. But then a strange thing happened… Next came the […]

Gay Marriage Australia – More Hate Speech – And From The Liberal Left

August 13, 2017 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ Aren’t you sick of the hate speech of the hypocritical same-sex marriage activists And another question: who needs Labor when this juvenile slagging off at former Liberal Prime Minister Tony Abbott comes from an advisor to a NSW Liberal frontbencher, Brad Hazzard, of the party’s Left? And then there’s this, when […]

Gay Marriage Australia – Was Wong Wrong Then … Or Is She Now? Let’s Debate

August 11, 2017 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ The Labor Party frontbencher Senator Penny Wong said in 2010: “On the issue of marriage I think the reality is there is a cultural, religious, historical view around that which we have to respect. The party’s position is very clear that this is an institution that is between a man and […]

AMA Caught Out: Most Studies Warn Of Risks Of Same-Sex Families

August 7, 2017 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ Why does the same-sex marriage movement rely on so much bullying, deception and suppression? The latest: A former senior Australian Medical Association official has lashed out at the peak medical body’s campaign for same-sex marriage, accusing it of using false and misleading information in claiming the reform was a public health […]

A Ring To Bind Them To Their Master’s Will

April 5, 2017 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ This is ridiculous – and even oppressive. Bosses at big companies like Qantas and Google have “suggested” their employees wear black rings with a gap to show they support same-sex marriage. Or show that they have a future at their company, perhaps, because it’s not quite clear how this push for […]