Browsing All posts tagged under »US Senator Arlen Specter (RINO-PA)«

Hope ‘n’ Change: That Demo Culture of Corruption

February 26, 2010 by


The Patriot Post The White House is being accused of offering juicy government jobs to two Democrats in exchange for their withdrawal from potential primary battles in this year’s election cycle. The charges, which come from the Democrats themselves, are quite serious and carry punishments including jail time, assuming anyone would prosecute. Rep. Joe Sestak […]

Twas The Night Before An Obama Christmas

December 3, 2009 by


‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the White House, not a creature was stirring, not even the chief louse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that Pelosi would deliver healthcare. The children were nestled all snug in their beds, I hope my Czars remembered their meds. And Michelle in […]

The Rangel Rule Versus The Wilson Rebuke

September 25, 2009 by


Today’s focus will be a study of hypocrisy. We will try and determine what is the most serious offense, a Republican Congressman blurting out “You Lie” during a speech given by the President, or a high-ranking Democrat member of Congress violating federal law. If you had missed Congressman Joe Wilson shouting out “You Lie” during […]

Senator Robert Casey Defends His Support of ACORN

September 16, 2009 by


Senator Robert Casey voted against taking away ACORN's funding through HUD. A worker who answered a call admitted Casey thought the amendment would remove ALL funding and he thought it "went too far."

An OPEN LETTER to Pennsylvania’s Senior US Senator Arlen Specter

September 10, 2009 by


Posted by Minnie (Reprinted with permission and edited to protect the identity of individuals.) The Hon. US Senator Arlen SpecterThe Federal Building, 11th FloorHarrisburg, PennsylvaniaMonday, April 27, 2009 – The Capitol Rotunda in HarrisburgSubject: Judicial Corruption … Malicious Prosecution, Wrongful Convictions, Alarming Prison Population and Overcrowding, and Inmate AbuseSenator Specter: I have visited your Scranton […]

Arlen Specter Protest

September 8, 2009 by


About 25 protesters walked in front of Senator Arlen Specter’s office on Thursda, August 20. Though it was humid and rain sprinkled throughout the afternoon, members and supporters of NEPA Tea Party LLC continued to hold their signs and wave to passing cars that beeped their horns. Protesters were young and old, healthy and disabled. […]

Exclusive Interview – PA Senatorial Candidate Peg Luksik

August 13, 2009 by


I recently had the opportunity to ask some tough questions of Senatorial candidate Peg Luksik. She is running against Pat Toomey for the Republican nod in the next primary. The results of that interview should show PA voters the type of person Peg is and where she stands on the issues that matter. Peg identified […]

Sen. ‘Benedict Arlen’ Jumps Ship

May 10, 2009 by


Satire by Shawn Goodwin. Last week, Sen. Arlen Specter kicked sand in the face of Pennsylvania voters when he changed his political affiliation from Republican to Democrat. The 98-pound weakling that is the Keystone State electorate immediately called upon their proverbial Charles Atlas – former Specter challenger Pat Toomey – to stop the Kool-Aid drinking […]

Arlen Specter Turns On Hulk Hogan

April 30, 2009 by


From The Endive The News Leader of the Known Universe. Wrestling fans were shocked this week when Arlen Specter turned on long-time friend Hulk Hogan by blind-siding him with a steel chair. Hogan and Specter had just lost their fifth consecutive tag team match to the evil Russian Bolsheviks when a frustrated Specter blamed Hogan […]

Snarlin’ Arlen Specter Defects to the Democrats

April 29, 2009 by


by Turtle I guess that’s about the same as bowing to the Democrats, which he’s been doing for three decades now. As the brainless twit who dumbed us all down with his “Magic Bullet Theory” in the JFK assassination, it’s a wonder as to how he’s even still in a Senate seat at all, let […]

Arlen Specter – A Series Of Convenient Coincidences

April 29, 2009 by


A lot has been said about Arlen Specter switching from the Republicans to the Democrats, and you probably think that there’s not much I can add. After all, I’m from Australia, so what would I know about anything like this. However, before you brush off my comments, consider this. Arlen was a Democrat in his […]


February 16, 2009 by


By Steve Breen

Obama “Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk” – Video

February 15, 2009 by


Video: “I’m Going To Make It Impossible For Lawmakers To Slip Pork Into Bills And The Public Will Have 5 Days To Review Every Bill. That’s A Commitment I Make As President. :-O 7 Broken Promises: 1. Make Government Open and Transparent 2. Make it “Impossible” for Congressmen to slip in Pork Barrel Projects 3. […]

The Rush to Stimulate – Friday Digest – Vol. 09 No. 06

February 13, 2009 by


THE FOUNDATION “A people … who are possessed of the spirit of commerce, who see and who will pursue their advantages may achieve almost anything.” –George Washington PATRIOT PERSPECTIVE The rush to stimulate By Mark Alexander A New York second after Barack Obama finished his inaugural speech, Democrats fanned out across the nation calling for […]

Government Intervention – Wed Chronicle – Vol. 09 No. 06

February 11, 2009 by


THE FOUNDATION “Fear is the foundation of most governments; but it is so sordid and brutal a passion, and renders men in whose breasts it predominates so stupid and miserable, that Americans will not be likely to approve of any political institution which is founded on it.” –John Adams INSIGHT “When plunder becomes a way […]

Laura Igraham Kicks RINO Arlen Specter

February 11, 2009 by


Laura Igraham Kicks RINO Arlen Specter: “Is It Nice To Be Wined And Dined At The White House?”

ACT NOW ALERT! Stimulus Bill – SENATE may vote TODAY!

February 9, 2009 by


Our U.S. Senate May Vote On This Bill At Any Moment! Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine), Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) and Arlen Specter (R-Pennsylvania) are helping to make this a bipartisan effort. Call the Senate Switchboard NOW ! (202) 224-3121 Additional Senate Contact Information for individual senators and their staff members: Click Here Liberal Group Praises Senators […]

Pennsylvania: Check Your Political Sanity At The Border

February 17, 2008 by


Pennsylvania: Check Your Political Sanity at the Border Satire by Shawn Goodwin It has been an interesting week in Pennsylvania politics. First, Republican Senator Arlen Specter spent our hard-earned dollars investigating the accusation that the New England Patriots have been videotaping football games. Apparently, head coach Bill Belichick did not get express written permission from […]

The Eagle is dead, long live the Ostrich

February 14, 2008 by


Yesterday Fox and CNN news dedicated several hours of live coverage to the hearing into the allegation that Roger Clemons was injected with performance enhancing drugs by his trainer. It was great drama for all to watch as these serious members of the esteemed house panel grilled Clemons about his butt (the injection site) and […]

DREAM Act Back On The Agenda! Call Your Senators NOW!!

October 22, 2007 by


Things are moving rapidly on Capitol Hill. Senate offices and Hill newspapers are reporting today that the DREAM Act will likely be on the Senate floor as a stand-alone bill within days! This bill – S.2205 – was introduced last week by Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL), Chuck Hagel (R-NE), and Richard Lugar (R-IN). One source […]


October 20, 2007 by


October 20, 2007 | By Howard Salter 7.62MM Readers Rock! 7.62MM JUSTICE NOMINATED FOR BEST POLITICAL BLOG AWARD!!! As many of you know 7.62mm Justice offers some excellent hard hitting commentary from the likes of Sniper One and Two as well as other contributions from writers like Howard L. Salter, Rain, PA Pundits and SeeJaneMom. […]

Temporary Victory On Dream Amnesty – Send A FREE Fax

September 27, 2007 by


Temporary victory on DREAM Amnesty: Ask your senators to oppose it as a stand-alone bill This new fax has been posted in your Action Buffet based on your answers to the Interest Survey. You can find this FREE Fax by proceeding to: On September 27, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) announced that the […]

The Enemy Hears You

September 20, 2007 by


Is it any wonder that Zawahiri has reason to celebrate our supposed “defeat”. All Zawahiri has to hear are the words of Congress and his heart is filled with joy. And let me be clear. The violence in Anbar has gone down in spite of the Surge, not because of the Surge. The inability of American soldiers […]

Habeas Corpus For Terrorists?

September 19, 2007 by


Why would we want to give terrorists, who have made it all the way from their place of capture in Iraq or Afghanistan, to GITMO to have the right to question their imprisonment? Is not the right to life more important than the right to Habeas Corpus? If someone was really innocent, would they not […]