The Intent Of The Climate Change Debate From This Point Forward

Posted on Wed 11/05/2008 by


If President Elect Obama can hit the ground running on day one, then so can I.

What I want you to understand is that none of my commentary will be party political, and that is important. I do not want to be seen as sniping, and even though in the run up to the election, this could have been seen as just this. All I have tried to do is to point out exactly what the implications are of blindly following a seven second sound byte without knowing exactly what it means. The direction I come from is not from one who believes one side of the argument and not the other, because I prefer to read both sides of the argument. Contrary to what is being pushed, the Science is still not set in stone. As many Real Scientists who agree with the Climate Change mantra, there are the same amount who do not believe it to be as dire as has been made out. From that standpoint, the whole debate has been hijacked by people who have separate agendas. One of those agendas is a political one, and to advance that political argument, people who know very little have advised people who know even less, and in so doing, have completely ignored the opposing point of view, and in fact labelled them just because they do not agree. So, things get said in the heat of an election campaign, things that vary wildly with the actuality of the situation.

So, when it comes to the politics, that question is now settled. Now that you the public have committed to the direction you want your Government to take, I am going to go back to what I know best. My task is to point out exactly what it is you have been committed to from THAT point of view, because if you are to believe what you have been told, then you need to be aware of just what that means.

Nothing I say from now on will be made up. It is all fact. Facts that I have carefully detailed over the last 8 months. In that time I have also learned things. I come from a background in the electrical trade, and I have an understanding of how electricity is generated, how it can be generated, and just what is and is not viable, both in actuality, in theory, and also economically. Those facts have been obtained from a vast variety of sources, and the thing I have found is that all those sources have tended to back each other up, independently of each other.

So, when you read these posts, if you read them, do not dismiss me out of hand as someone with a political axe to grind, but as someone who is pointing out what it means to you, having taken the direction you have, and agreed in advance to what will be the future direction of this debate.

What I sincerely ask is that you not vilify me personally for putting facts before you. All I am doing is finding those facts, and then informing you of them. At each stage, ask the questions, and then try an find another source for yourself. Information is just that.

When you are told what will be happening, don’t blindly accept it at face value, because whatever there will be in the way of bad news, tough news, difficult news, it will always be sugar coated from the perspective of making it acceptable. Always find out for yourself, and if I point out an opposing view, don’t attack me from the political perspective.

What you need now is to have that perspective shown to you, and from there, I will point out what that means, and a best case scenario of projected costs, because after all, that is where it will have the most effect on you.

I look forward with interest to see who President Elect Obama names in that position as his Secretary with responsibility for the sector this most relates to, that being Energy, and I don’t want you to correlate that Energy sector with the oil sector, because they are not related. I will be concentrating only on the production of electricity. You may think that this is quite narrow, but the Electrical sector produces around 30% of all Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse gas, more than any other sector, and this will be thrust of the whole greenhouse gas argument.

I suspect that any early announcements will not be along the lines of construction of new power plants, but will be the introduction of new revenue raising legislation which will be couched in terms that this is actually something positive and will be alleviating the problem. In actual fact, this new Carbon Cap and Trade revenue raising exercise contribute little if any to actually reducing the emission of greenhouse gases.

Also be aware, that in the main, as I have said all along, this whole pursuit of the greenhouse gas emissions debate really has very little to do with the environment.

It’s basically about the money in that argument, and believe me, the amounts are astronomical.

There is no such thing as cheap electricity from renewable sources, and the probability is that coal fired power plants will be producing electrical power a very long way into the future.

Again, I stress that all my posts have no political context. They are just the facts.