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Sestak-Gate, Pseudo-Journalism + More

June 4, 2010 by


The Patriot Post Digest The Foundation “Is there no virtue among us? If there be not, we are in a wretched situation.” –James Madison Government & Politics A Congressman, a Former President and an Intern Walk Into a Bar… The plot thickens over the job offer to sitting Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA), and it may […]

Sea Level Rises…What Sea Level Rises?

May 22, 2010 by


By Nicolas Loris Another one of the standout presentations at the Heartland Institute’s fourth International Conference on Climate Change was the one by Nils-Axel Morner, former emeritus head of the paleogeophysics and geodynamics department at Stockholm University. His talk focused on sea level increases and the difference between observed data and the Intergovernmental Panel on […]

Force of Darkness “Earth Hour” Challenged by Power of Light “Human Achievement Hour”

March 27, 2010 by


CEI Announces 2nd Annual Celebration of Human Achievement By Richard Morrison Washington, D.C., March 19, 2010—The Competitive Enterprise Institute, a leading free-market think tank, will celebrate the Second Annual “Human Achievement Hour” between 8:30pm and 9:30pm on Saturday, March 27, 2010. The one-hour celebration coincides with “Earth Hour,” an hour in which governments, individuals, and […]

Copenhagen Summit Smog, Obamas Oppression of Americans via Medical Care + More

December 7, 2009 by


The Patriot Post  – Monday Brief The Foundation “I think all the world would gain by setting commerce at perfect liberty.” –Thomas Jefferson Liberty “With 20,000 delegates, advocates and journalists jetting to Copenhagen for planet Earth’s last chance, the carbon footprint of the global warming summit will be the only impressive consequence of the climate […]

The Climate Has Changed

December 2, 2009 by


[picapp align=”none” wrap=”false” link=”term=freezing&iid=120052″ src=”0116/2caa0135-55c2-49c9-9db6-036838a58aac.jpg?adImageId=7973752&imageId=120052″ width=”259″ height=”200″ /] The case for man-made global warming took a major hit last week when 62 megabytes of data, including e-mail messages and model codes (searchable here), were stolen from the UK’s University of East Anglia and then made public. The new information tells us much that we already […]

The Huge Mistake – Climate Change Solutions 2009

November 9, 2009 by


Video by Laurie Williams and Allan Zabel According to the two attorneys — a married couple who work in EPA’s San Francisco office – EPA ordered them to either take down or remove any references that they work for the agency in a 10-minute critique they posted on the administration’s backing of the House bill. […]

Saving the Earth by Hating Humanity

October 11, 2009 by


By Alan Caruba As the greatest hoax of the modern era, “global warming”, bites the dust around the world, it behooves us all to contemplate why environmentalists—Greens—would attempt to hoodwink the world’s population into believing they could do anything to “control” the planet’s climate. One singular fact stands out in all Green propaganda and permeates […]

Al Gore Puts An End To Cash For Clunkers

August 1, 2009 by


Barack Obama promised to be an environmentally friendly president, to create millions of “green” jobs, etc. We all know that Al Gore is the only thing standing between us and all life on Earth coming to an end at 4:15 next Tuesday. So what happened to cause a falling out between the man who was […]

Nuclear Electrical Power Generation – Why The Fuss? (Part 1)

July 27, 2009 by


INTRODUCTION What I want to do with this series of posts is to detail aspects of the electrical power generating process that use nuclear energy to generate electricity, and why this nuclear power has been pushed into the background in the mad rush to close down coal fired power plants and replace them with generating […]

Continuing Czar Corruption

July 20, 2009 by


The man who promised America “The most ethical administration in history” sure knows how to pick ‘em. We  reported earlier on the corruption and incompetence of Obama’s Czars,  however it seems like this will prove to be a story that will continue to unfold. The most recent news regards Car Czar Steve Rattner. Rattner has been the focus […]

Supreme Court – Present and Future + Obama’s Marxism + More

July 20, 2009 by


The Patriot Post – Mon Brief – Vol. 09 No. 29 THE FOUNDATION “The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained.” –George Washington CULTURE “Here’s what Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said in [last] Sunday’s New […]

Obama’s Corrupt And Incompetent Czars

July 9, 2009 by


Question: What do the following have in common?  Someone with a 6 million dollar conflict of interest The former CEO of a failed mortgage company Chicken Little An avowed Socialist  Answer: They have all been appointed by President Obama to be part of his team of Czars A few day ago we presented a list […]

The Lighter Side Of Cap And Trade

July 3, 2009 by


The citizens of the United States are in danger of being saddled with the biggest tax increase in human history. That will be the result if the “Cap and Trade” bill recently passed by the House and now on it’s way to the Senate becomes law. The costs associated with this boondoggle will effect each […]

We Are Getting A Lot Of Czars Per Obama Now Baby!

July 2, 2009 by


Here a Czar, there a Czar, everywhere a Czar Czar, old Obama had a Czar, eieio Forget about miles per gallon. Let’s talk about something more important, mainly,  how many czars per Obama are you getting? One of, if not our biggest supporters, Erica, recently asked us if we could put together of the “czars” […]

CEI Files Suppressed EPA Report, Demands EPA Global Warming Proceeding Be Reopened

July 1, 2009 by


By Christine Hall, 202-331-2258 Public Should Have Right to Review, Comment on Gov’t Report Washington, D.C., June 30, 2009—The Competitive Enterprise Institute today is demanding that the Environmental Protection Agency allow public comment on an internal global warming report that the agency itself suppressed. CEI is submitting the report to the EPA and formally requesting […]

Dems Refuse Testimony Against Global Warming

April 25, 2009 by


TonyfromOz prefaces ….. It’s almost a shame to add anything to Scooter’s satirical posts, but this is one that he put together really fast, as the real story at this link only broke some hours before he posted this. WASHINGTON (SR) – House Democrats have refused to allow UK’s Lord Christopher Monckton, a former science […]

Why Should Nuclear Power Generation Be An Option? (Part 2)

April 2, 2009 by


Part 2 of 5 parts. In the previous post, I mentioned that the closing of coal fired power plants is something that just cannot be done at the whim of green environmentalists, who are not only not aware of the consequences, but are cynically not even bothering to find out about, and then conveniently not […]

Celebrate Human Achievement Hour

March 28, 2009 by


Instead of the Negative “Earth Hour” Hocus-pocus nonsense, Celebrate Human Achievement Hour. Rejoice in the fact that your fellow human beings have mastered fire, created an agricultural world, built wondrous monuments, invented miraculous machines, and otherwise exercised their creative powers to make the world the great place it is today. Turn ON your lights from […]

Man Suffering From Gender-Disorientation Pathology sues Eharmony +

December 8, 2008 by


CULTURE & POLICY Faith and Family: eHarmony loses big The Christian-targeted dating Web site eHarmony recently succumbed to a shakedown by a disgruntled New Jersey homosexual who decided that matchmaking sites geared to his preferences were not sufficient. The man filed suit in 2005 with the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights. eHarmony fought the […]

Am I A Democrat? Am I A Republican? Which One Am I?

October 16, 2008 by


After watching last night’s Presidential debate, I was listening to the political pundits comment on what McCain and Obama had to say. And I decided to examine some of the popular perceptions as to what makes someone a Democrat or a Republican. Now I’m not sure which way to go. See what I came up […]

The Big Green Myth

September 9, 2008 by


THE MYTH OF CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS PER CAPITA HEAD OF POPULATION Some of you who know of my Posts will see that this is my old ‘hobby horse’, but before you actually go and read something else, stick with me for a minute. I’ve written before about the argument used by the rabid environmentalists. Why […]

Pelosi and Reid’s Big Choice: Serve The American People OR Serve Themselves!

August 1, 2008 by


Call your Representatives today & insist they do 2 things. Tell Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid we won't support ending the legislative session without passing legislation to lower gas prices. In the House, Make Pelosi allow a vote on the AMERICAN ENERGY ACT. Why should Congress get 5 week vacation WHILE WE HAVE TO CANCEL OURS?

I Am Mad As Hell About …

June 30, 2008 by


...about the oil crisis & not for reasons that most people are. The true reasons oil prices are rising & America is being put in a crunch by its POLITICIANS! We CAN do something about it. We have the resources here to prevent such a crisis. We just have to get off our butts & develop it! Damn ...

10 Million Jobs: The High Cost of “Saving” ANWR

June 9, 2008 by


10 Million Jobs: The High Cost of Saving ANWR Raymond Kraft At $130 a barrel, the real, hidden cost of the liberals’ refusal to open up the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and the oil resources off our coasts is 10 million jobs. Ten million jobs for middle-class,working-class Americans that are being “outsourced” to OPEC […]