[Video] Obama Advisor: Lets Use Cap-and-Trade Taxes To Give Money To Other Countries

Posted on Fri 07/09/2010 by


From the Staff at EyeBlast TV

This may actually ‘seem’ on the surface to be quite an innocuous statement from the Obama Administration’s Science ‘Czar’ John Holdren. However, it really only confirms what I have been saying all along for the last two years. The original Kyoto Protocol brought out by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has a small entry in it that says, with respect to those 152 Countries that the UN deems as still Developing, that all the costs for anything to do with Climate Change have to be funded by 23 already developed Countries. That funding has to come from somewhere, and any Cap and Trade Legislation that places a cost on CO2 emissions will be raising monumentally huge amounts of money, and you only need to put two and two together to guess where that funding might be coming from. For further insight, take the link to this post…..TonyfromOz

The Obama administration’s top science advisor, John Holdren, was caught on tape advocating for global wealth redistribution back in 2008. In this clip, unearthed by Eyeblast.tv, Holdren says that we should use tax revenue from a cap and trade type bill to pay other countries in the global south.

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Make sure you read this article from CNSNews.com for more details on Holdren’s radical views.

EyeBlast TV is a division of The Media Research Center.

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