The Furious Fake News Of Feminist Novelists

Posted on Sun 01/21/2018 by


By Brent Bozell and Tim Graham ~

Since 1973, liberal feminists have celebrated the “right to choose abortion” without admitting the horror – over 60 million lives violently and prematurely ended since the Supreme Court ruled in Roe vs. Wade. The liberals who champion abortion are far more comfortable panicking that abortion “rights” are always in danger, especially when Republicans control Washington.

So it’s not surprising that a hot trend among novelists is feminist themes, like imagining the terror of abortions banned. Washington Post book critic Ron Charles loves a new book called Red Clocks by Leni Zumas. She imagines an America where anyone who tries to abort is jailed. In this book the conservatives even build a forbidding pink wall along the northern border to keep desperate women and girls from going to Canada to exercise their lethal “right to choose.”

Charles wrote this book “might sound like a dystopian novel, but plenty of conservative politicians are plotting to make it a work of nonfiction.” The story is set in a small Oregon town in a future that “Mike Pence can almost see if he stands on his pew.”

It would have been helpful for him to name a single conservative politician that supports that scenario, not just unrealistic, but incoherently so.

The author says she drew her most frightening details from “actual proposals” by men who are currently in charge of the government. Charles added dramatically that “Bridles designed for women’s bodies are already hanging in legislators’ barns, just waiting for Ruth Bader Ginsburg to die.”

Ditto the author. Produce a single name.

As if that didn’t sound wacky enough, Charles also filmed a video where he put his own face on the Statue of Liberty and recited an altered Emma Lazarus poem to match what he thinks is the Mike Pence vibe: “Give me your rich, your white, your huddling spermatazoa yearning to break free!”

Liberal legs are getting thrills from this exciting new line of feminist literature, and the Post has seemingly applauded every example. A year ago, Charles celebrated the latest novel by Joyce Carol Oates titled A Book of American Martyrs. The central drama is a conservative Christian shooting an abortionist to death.

It’s apparently inspired by the shooting of Florida abortionist John Britton in 1994, but the Post critic called it “a powerful reminder that fiction can be as timely as this morning’s tweets but infinitely more illuminating.” It’s been more than eight years since the last abortionist was murdered (late-term butcher George Tiller), so it’s not as “timely as this morning.”

In October, Charles championed a new novel called The Power by English author Naomi Alderman, which sought to enrapture the feminists by imagining that women became empowered with the ability to electrocute men with their hands. Charles especially liked that this liberating feminine “power” forced patriarchal Christians to reimagine the Gospels and set aside the Father and the Son and honor the “supremacy of the Mother.”

Charles gushed that this book was an instant anti-sexist classic that deconstructs the “internal ribs of [male] power that we have tolerated, honored and romanticized for centuries.” He admitted that asserting Alderman would be honored for all time might be “a fool’s errand. But in this case, I’m eager to be that fool.”

At the very least, it’s an instant liberal classic – honored as a Best Book of 2017 not just by the Post, but by the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, Entertainment Weekly, NPR, and….Barack Obama. Hollywood cannot be far behind.

L. Brent Bozell III is the Founder and President of the Media Research Center

Tim Graham is the Executive Editor at NewsBusters, and he is the Director of  Media Analysis at the Media Research Center.

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