Locust Smith Calls For Fewer Insects

Posted on Thu 03/31/2011 by


Andrew BoltBy Andrew Bolt

Dick Smith is just another green authoritarian with a dangerous contempt for humanity:

EVERY Australian family should be limited to just two children to curb the population explosion, millionaire Dick Smith said yesterday.

He called for a China-like quota on the number of kids, warning the growing burden on our resources was like “a plague of locusts”…

“I don’t see it by force. I see it by saying to parents, ‘It’s best to have two kids’…”

Two things about Smith, though. If the “burden on our resources” is a problem, this frequent-flying global warming worrier might use a little less than he currently hogs:

HE has a holiday house, a farm with a homestead, a large house with a swimming pool, two cars, a steam train and all that owning three separate households entail. He’s very open, but for some reason refuses to confirm just how many aircraft he owns; there are at least two helicopters and a jet.

Second, he might try to convince his green friends to drop some of the real restrictions on our prosperity and well-being – restrictions that actually make population growth a bigger problem than it need be:

We can bring in more people than Dick Smith and the Greens say, but not while people like them stop us from preparing all the dams, power plants, land divisions and roads we’ll need to keep us all comfy.

Not while they also refuse to let us even talk about excluding those likely to have trouble fitting in.

But we can also bring in fewer people as the Laheys and other business spruikers say, but not until we use our brains to become more inventive and productive than we lazily tolerate today in this new Land of No.

Andrew Bolt is a journalist and columnist writing for The Herald Sun in Melbourne Victoria Australia.
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