Copenhagen – Hookers Say Bring It On

Posted on Sat 12/05/2009 by


It’s a well known fact that the influx of delegates for any major conference has proved to be a boon for the local economy of where the conference is being held.

This Climate Change Conference starting on Monday in Copenhagen will be no different.

However, one sector of Copenhagen’s local economy is complaining that they are being hamstrung by local Government.

The Mayor of Copenhagen, Ritt Bjerregaard has sent postcards to all the major hotels in Copenhagen with a warning to delegates that they should not be patronising the sex workers of Copenhagen whilst attending the Conference.

On those postcards, the Mayor says “Be sustainable – Don’t buy sex.”

To the Hotel owners, her message is that they should not be arranging assignations with guests and those ‘ladies of the night’.

The story is at this link.

However, there has been a backlash as a spokesperson for the local Sex Workers Interest Group, Suzanne Moller has said that this is blatant discrimination and a restraint of trade, and that they have no recourse other than to defend themselves.

In fact, sex workers have said that they will offer free sex to anyone who shows up with one of the Mayor’s postcards.

An earlier Conference in the lead up to this Major conference was held last December in Poznan Poland, and the sex trade did a roaring business from that Conference. In fact, prostitutes from all across Europe flocked to Poznan for the conference, and the same is evidently happening here.

Funny! I would have thought that the whole intent of this Conference was to cut back on the generation of excess heat.