Another Study: Carbon Dioxide has no Deleterious Effect Upon Weather

Posted on Wed 10/10/2007 by


Another one of those non-existent dissenting opinions, according to the Climate Change Spanish Inquisition.

(Andrew Bolt) A review of the research literature concerning the environmental consequences of increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide leads to the conclusion that increases during the 20th and early 21st centuries have produced no deleterious effects upon Earth’s weather and climate. Increased carbon dioxide has, however, markedly increased plant growth. Predictions of harmful climatic effects due to future increases in hydrocarbon use and minor greenhouse gases like CO2 do not conform to current experimental knowledge….

More and more scientific evidence is disproving all the hype around Gore-Bull Climate Change. However, I’m just a looney… but I’m a looney with a carbon footprint that is smaller than Al Gore’s.