Westboro Baptist Run Off By Patriot Riders At Fort Drum

Posted on Fri 08/31/2007 by


Story Damn, I wish I had known about this before had. The patriot riders are my kind of guys. SeeJaneMom and I had a ball with them at Gathering Of Eagles 1.

(News Watch 50) A protest of a protest became a rally of support near Fort Drum Thursday afternoon.

When the Patriot Guard, an organization of bikers who support the military, learned of a plan by the anti-military hate group Westboro Baptist Church of Kansas to picket near Fort Drum today, the bikers quickly organized a ride to counter the protest.

Shortly after 3:00 p.m. a group of 8 to 12 Westboro picketers were at the intersection of Route 283 and Route 342 when 70 bikers arrived with US flags and surrounded the protesters, effectively blocking their anti-military message.

After a few tense minutes the Westboro protesters left the scene.

I would of loved to of seen that.