VOGUE Touts Biden’s ‘Brilliant’ CDC Boss, Totally Avoids Team Trump’s Vaccine Push

Posted on Fri 03/12/2021 by


By Tim Graham ~

The March issue of Vogue magazine touts “Science Without Politics: The New COVID-19 Leadership.” But that’s silly, since Vogue exists to puff up the Democrats politically. “Science” is defined as “Stuff Smart Liberals Do.”

Their profile of Rochelle Walensky, Biden’s “brilliant and compassionate” choice to head up the Centers for Disease Control, is comical in its avoidance of President Trump’s role in pushing a vaccine through Operation Warp Speed. Rebecca Johnson’s article began:

SHE CRIES as she gets the vaccine. “It’s amazing, it’s amazing,” Rochelle Walensky, M.D., M.P.H., murmurs as a nurse at Massachusetts General Hospital pierces her deltoid with a needle. “Usually it takes 10 to 15 years. The fact that we have it in one.…” Walensky shakes her head in wonder.

“Yay for science,” the nurse says.

“Yay for science,” Walensky agrees.

The article is titled “The Face of Hope: Rochelle Walensky, M.D., is the brilliant and compassionate new director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Rebecca Johnson meets the scientist America needs now.

It came complete with a photo shoot by celebrity shooter Annie Liebovitz.

Operation Warp Speed only comes in for an attack. Walensky claims “The budget for Operation Warp Speed was in the billions; the budget for the rollout was in the millions,” she said. “This isn’t something you just drop off at the front door.”

Vogue only finds friends and colleagues as they tout her “intellectual chops”,,,,but also “will bring much-needed compassion.”

“Her credentials and reputation are impeccable. It’s clear that the Biden administration played an ace in this decision.”

“She’s warm, she’s kind, you feel she wants to make the world a better place. People are ready to feel that sense of trust in the messenger.”

The article concludes with the words “Her light and energy are going to be great for this country.” Team Biden should just pay the reporter.

This was the puffiest paragraph. “I couldn’t find a single critic!”

I went looking for someone who might be skeptical of Walensky in her new position. She is, after all, going from overseeing a staff of 100 to a staff of more than 10,000. No small jump. But I couldn’t find a single naysayer. By contrast, her predecessor, Robert Redfield, M.D., was strenuously opposed by the consumer-advocacy group Center for Science in the Public Interest. Even Twitter swooned over the appointment. As one doctor wrote, “This has sent me into a sort of public health euphoria!”

One could hope this puff piece was complete before Walensky’s tap dance with the White House over reopening schools, which was part of an administration effort that even the Los Angeles Times lamented was “conflicting and waffling messages…downright labyrinthine.”

Tim Graham is the Executive Editor at NewsBusters, and he is the Director of  Media Analysis at the Media Research Center. His career at the MRC began in February 1989 as associate editor of MediaWatch, the monthly newsletter of the MRC before the Internet era.

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