Sneaks and Sneakers

Posted on Wed 07/17/2019 by


Partly I was amused, mainly I was disgusted, when I heard Democrats dismiss President Trump’s call for a citizenship question to be included on the census as constituting a purely political stunt.

The fact is, the only really consequential question on the form is who within our borders is here legally. That’s because the census determines how many congressional districts each state is allocated in the House of Representatives and what could be more political than that?

The final count is always 435, but it’s the census that determines how that number is divided among the 50 states. Clearly, if illegal aliens are counted, it gives an unfair advantage to states like California, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada and Arizona and those that boast of their sanctuary status, such as New York and Illinois.

It makes a mockery of our claim to be a sovereign nation.

Furthermore, the fact that the Supreme Court, by a 5-4 vote, ruled against the administration, deciding that it saw no compelling reason to find out if the noses being counted were the noses of actual citizens, makes a mockery of the Court.

Chief Justice John Roberts has shown once again that he takes his marching orders not from the U.S. Constitution but from the editorial pages of the Washington Post.

It was George W. Bush who, while no doubt suffering a brain freeze, replaced Chief Justice Rehnquist with this fruit loop.

The problem isn’t so much that Democrats Bill Clinton and Barack Obama appointed the liberal likes of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor. Rather, the tragedy is that Republicans like Richard Nixon and the Bushes saddled us with the liberal likes of Warren Burger, Harry Blackmun, David Souter and John Roberts.

Fortunately, we now have a man in the White House who realizes that these lifetime appointments are the legacy that live on long after he will have packed up, turned off the lights and handed over the keys to the front door.

Nike seems to have decided on a marketing strategy that calls for targeting consumers who despise America.

Why else would the company pull its patriotic red, white and blue, shoes off the market two days prior to the 4th of July?

Why else would they listen to Colin Kaepernick’s complaints about the 13-star American flags that adorn the backs of those shoes? But that’s all it took for Nike to put out a press release explaining that it took the action “Based on concerns that it could unintentionally offend and detract from the nation’s patriotic holiday.”

It does raise the question why a corporation would have anything to do with the racist lunkhead Kaepernick. Who’s on their board of directors? Al Sharpton? Jesse Jackson? Louis Farrakhan?

Why on earth would any decent American buy Nike products? If it were up to me, the next shipment of Nike sneakers from the sweatshops of China, Vietnam and Thailand, would be tossed into Boston Harbor.

It seems that a new breed of cockroach that is impervious to not only every brand of bug spray on the market, but even to radiation, has come into existence.

In its ability to survive every possible assault, it reminds me of Socialism. No matter how many times, and no matter in how many places, it fails miserably, it exhibits mind-boggling survival skills.

Even when people see its undeniable shortcomings when compared to Capitalism, as was clearly evident when you compared the lives of East Germans to West Germans or the lives of North Koreans to South Koreans or the lives of pre-Hugo Chavez Venezuelans to post Hugo Chavez Venezuelans, there are always those who deny the obvious and insist that the only problem with Socialism is that it’s been mishandled by Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, Guevara and Maduro.

They would have you believe that all that Socialism needs to flourish is to be placed in the enlightened hands of people like Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Kamala Harris, Peter Buttigieg, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Ilhan Omar or Bill De Blasio.

The reason that Socialism is so difficult to stamp out is because there are so many stupid, greedy people, who have been convinced that it is their inalienable right to take whatever other people have.

It’s not that they don’t realize that when Democrats talk about single payer health care or government-funded abortions, they’re talking about money coerced from taxpayers, but since 50% of the population and 100% of illegal aliens don’t pay income taxes, they don’t care. As someone once said, “When you take from Peter to pay Paul, don’t expect Paul to complain about it.”

Speaking of Peter, it was as predictable that Mayor Buttigieg would claim the South Bend police force is filled with racists as it was that Barack Obama would claim that every police department in America was a coven filled with white Klansmen.

It’s in the Democratic playbook that whenever the opportunity arises, always pander to the black base.

In a rare bit of good news, Navy Seal Ed Gallagher was found not guilty by a military tribunal of murdering a Muslim terrorist.

It almost, but not quite, makes up for a similar tribunal finding Bowe Bergdahl not guilty of desertion.

Something it’s high time the Pentagon began to understand is that these days killing Muslim terrorists should be the mission statement for the U.S. military.

Typically, Maryland’s Sen. Chris Van Hollen complained that Donald Trump was spending millions of dollars on his 4th of July parade, but had nothing to say about the tens of trillions that Sanders, Harris, Booker and the other 17 Socialists vying for his party’s nomination have proposed spending in order to provide free shit to illegal aliens, college students and black welfare recipients.

Last week, the Washington Post headlined an article “Trump paints a dark picture of homelessness in cities.”

Sorry, fish wrap, but that isn’t a painting. It’s a series of photos of the streets of L.A., San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Eugene, Chicago, New York, Baltimore, Detroit and, yes, even Washington, D.C.

It’s also the view that those of us who live in those particular cities see every time we drive to the supermarket or the dry cleaners. Here in the San Fernando Valley, I can’t drive a mile in any direction without seeing addicts and crazy people sleeping on feces-covered sidewalks in tents or cardboard boxes.

It’s telling, but not surprising, that the very same newspaper ran a story back in March that stated: “The significant growth in tent encampments nationwide has become one of the most visible signs of the nation’s failure to alleviate widening inequality.”

It’s worth noting that even as they recognized that formerly beautiful cities were now over-run with rodents, used syringes and human waste, the paper blamed it on financial inequality, ignoring the fact that cities that are not under the control of Socialists are not the equivalent of Third World sewers.

The only social problems the Left cares about are those they feel they can somehow lay at the feet of President Trump. I swear, if Trump came out against cancer, his enemies in Congress, Hollywood and the media, would spring to the defense of cancer, celebrating it for thinning the herd and making room for more illegal aliens.

I saw one of the knuckleheads who calls MSNBC home berate President Trump because when he met with Kim Jong-un, the North Korean flag was placed next to the American flag.

How strange that nobody at the network was the least bit miffed that not a single American flag was present at either of the Democratic debates.

It turns out that tobacco giants Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds are actually funding the legalize pot movement in America.

To tell you the truth, I’m ashamed to admit I was shocked to discover that the same folks who profited off making nicotine addicts out of millions of Americans are now filling their coffers by promoting our addiction to weed.

Just when I get to thinking I am the most cynical person in the nation, I find I’m a rosy-cheeked Pollyanna compared to politicians, media giants and corporate CEOs.

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