Australian Politics – Vote Greens And Let Someone Else Do The Work

Posted on Mon 03/09/2015 by


Bolt New 01By Andrew Bolt ~

The new Greens are outsourcing their conscience. That explains why they seem hypocrites, being wealthier car-driving frequent-fliers while voting for an anti-capitalist party that bashes the rich and demonises the very symbol of western wealth – oil:Australian Greens Logo

New research into the swelling ranks of inner-urban Greens voters has shattered traditional stereotypes as the ALP searches for new ways to combat the minor party’s growing threat in Melbourne and Sydney seats.

An ALP source said surveys of Greens voters living close to the CBD found they are wealthy, send their children to private schools and are, beneath the surface, highly motivated by jobs and the economy when voting

“You won’t find too many tie-dyed hippies or earth-mother types among the inner-city breed of Greens — we are talking suits who have got Audis parked in the driveways of their inner-city homes,’’ he said.

This also explains, of course, that curious disconnect between what Greens claim they stand for and what they actually deliver, without the slightest remorse. For instance, they can protest against “cruelty” to boat people while tolerating policies that actually drown 1200 of them.

It also explains this, last year:


And when 15,000 people in one of the country’s most progressive and green areas hold a party in the local Edinburgh Gardens, they naturally leave the park looking like this.

Just outsourcing their conscience to the council.

It explains this:

Earth Hour. Could there be a better symbol of this feckless age in which seeming counts for more than doing? … But, no, on Saturday night, tens of thousands of your fellow citizens made a huge show about how good they were to do for one hour what they couldn’t be bothered doing for the other 8759… Likewise, Victoria’s V/Line couldn’t stop its gassy trains from running, but did with pride advise customers on its website that to save the planet they could “start a worm farm”.

And the Victorian Government, while happy to tell staff to turn off a few unnecessary computers for that one hour, couldn’t bring itself to cancel the next day’s choke-on-this orgy of gassy fun, the Formula One Grand Prix.

The results of Earth Hour were just as pitiful as you’d expect, of course. Power usage in Sydney’s CBD for that one hour went down just 6 per cent (less than last year) which means that when a city of planet savers tries really hard to cut emissions for Earth Hour, it cuts its gases by less than what an average Australian emits in a single year.

Just outsourcing their conscience to the power companies.

It explains this:

Quantum Market Research’s annual social survey … divided Australians into five groups, from “Ultra Greens” to Un-Greens”, depending on how they’d “embraced the Green culture”.

No surprise, but the Ultra Greens, “the original tree loving hippies and green peace embracers”, turned out to be perfect specimens of our time.

They were not only the most likely to vote Green and join green groups, but also the most likely to own a four-wheel drive and join frequent flyer clubs.

Just outsourcing their conscience to the airlines.

It explains this:

Then there were the 2007 Live Earth concerts to “raise awareness” of global warming, which actually added more sinful gases than they cut – at least 20,000 tonnes worth, the organisers admitted, thanks to fans travelling to the concerts to demand everyone else cut their own gases instead.

The idiocy of it all stunned Sir Bob Geldof, the Live Aid hero, who protested: “Why is Gore actually organising them? To make us aware of the greenhouse effect? Everybody’s known about that problem for years. We are all f—— conscious of global warming.”

Just outsourcing their conscience to rock stars – generally a very stupid mistake.

Voting Greens is really is about making statements, not making changes.

Andrew Bolt is a journalist and columnist writing for The Herald Sun in Melbourne Victoria Australia.

Andrew Bolt’s columns appear in Melbourne’s Herald Sun, Sydney’s Daily Telegraph and Adelaide’s Advertiser. He runs the most-read political blog in Australia and hosts Channel 10’s The Bolt Report each Sunday at 10am. He is also heard from Monday to Friday at 8am on the breakfast show of radio station MTR 1377, and his book  Still Not Sorry remains very widely read.

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