The Wagging Finger + More

Posted on Wed 09/29/2010 by


The Patriot Post Chronicle

The Foundation

“In reality there is perhaps no one of our natural Passions so hard to subdue as Pride. Disguise it, struggle with it, beat it down, stifle it, mortify it as much as one pleases, it is still alive, and will now and then peek out and show itself.” –Benjamin Franklin

The Demo-gogues

Obama gives voters a lecture

With friends like these… “People need to shake off this lethargy. People need to buck up. … If people now want to take their ball and go home, that tells me folks weren’t serious in the first place. … It is inexcusable for any Democrat or progressive right now to stand on the sidelines in this midterm election. … The idea that we’ve got a lack of enthusiasm in the Democratic base, that people are sitting on their hands complaining, is just irresponsible.” –Barack Obama hammering his own base in an interview with Rolling Stone

“[I want to] remind our base constituency to stop whining and get out there and look at the alternatives. This president has done an incredible job. He’s kept his promises.” –Joe Biden on the same talking points

“And so those who don’t get — didn’t get everything they wanted, it’s time to just buck up here, understand that we can make things better, continue to move forward and — but not yield the playing field to those folks who are against everything that we stand for in terms of the initiatives we put forward.” –Joe Biden

“We have an electorate that doesn’t always pay that much attention to what’s going on so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what’s happening.” –Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), another snotty elitist lecturing voters

The GOP’s best friend: “[I]f we allow this to be a referendum on whether people are happy where they are now, we’ll lose.” –Joe Biden

But on the other hand: “I guarantee you we’re going to have a majority in the House and a majority in the Senate. I absolutely believe that.” –Biden

Patronizing: “There are strains in the Tea Party that are troubled by what they saw as a series of instances in which the middle-class and working-class people have been abused or hurt by special interests and Washington, but their anger is misdirected.” –Barack Obama

“[Fox News has] a point of view that I disagree with. It’s a point of view that I think is ultimately destructive for the long-term growth of a country that has a vibrant middle class and is competitive in the world.” –Obama in the Rolling Stone interview

On fiscal responsibility: “What I’m seeing out of the Republican leadership over the last several years has been a set of policies that are just irresponsible, and we saw in their Pledge to America a similar set of irresponsible policies. … [Although GOP leaders] say they want to balance the budget, they propose $4 trillion worth of tax cuts and $16 billion in spending cuts, and then they say we’re going to somehow magically balance the budget. That’s not a serious approach.” –Barack Obama, who must consider Republicans amateurs when it comes to blowing money

Editorial Exegesis

“Democrats seeking to boost voter turnout this fall are beginning to sound like the late comedian Chris Farley’s portrayal of a ‘motivational speaker’ on Saturday Night Live. Farley’s character sought to inspire young people by announcing that they wouldn’t amount to ‘jack squat’ and would someday be ‘living in a van down by the river.’ … This week President Obama chimed in with another uplifting message about the American electorate. Mr. Obama told Rolling Stone that the tea party movement is financed and directed by ‘powerful, special-interest lobbies.’ But this doesn’t mean that tea party groups are composed entirely of corporate puppets. Mr. Obama graciously implied that a small subset of the movement is simply motivated by bigotry. The President said ‘there are probably some aspects of the Tea Party that are a little darker, that have to do with anti-immigrant sentiment or are troubled by what I represent as the President.’ The tea party is now supported by a third of the country in some polls. Perhaps advocates for smaller government shouldn’t take Mr. Obama’s comments personally. In the new Democratic attacks on the voting public, not even Democrats are spared. Vice President Joe Biden recently urged the party’s base to ‘stop whining’ and ‘buck up,’ a message echoed by Mr. Obama in his Rolling Stone interview. The President … added that ‘if people now want to take their ball and go home, that tells me folks weren’t serious in the first place.’ Making the case for left-wing voters to show up in November, Mr. Obama told Rolling Stone that he is presiding over ‘the most successful administration in a generation in moving progressive agendas forward.’ We’d agree, but his problem is that most Americans don’t like that agenda and millions of voters in both parties wanted him to oversee an economic expansion instead. Blaming the voters is not unheard of among politicians, but usually they wait until after an election.” —The Wall Street Journal

Buck Up Cartoon


“We demand entire freedom of action and then expect the government in some miraculous way to save us from the consequences of our own acts…. Self-government means self-reliance.” –President Calvin Coolidge (1873-1933)

“There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.” –American writer Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988)


“Progressives want to raise taxes on individuals who make more than $200,000 a year because they say it’s wrong for the rich to be ‘given’ more money. Sunday’s New York Times carries a cartoon showing Uncle Sam handing money to a fat cat. They just don’t get it. As I’ve said before, a tax cut is not a handout. It simply means government steals less. What progressives want to do is take money from some — by force — and spend it on others. It sounds less noble when plainly stated.” –columnist John Stossel

“Americans are learning once again that campaign rhetoric is no substitute for sound economics. And any American President who promises to make your life better by vilifying your fellow countryman, is a very dangerous character indeed.” –columnist Austin Hill

“What optimistic Americans used to call a rising tide that lifts all boats is now once again derided as trickle-down economics. In other words, a newly peasant-minded America is willing to become collectively poorer so that some will not become wealthier.” –historian Victor Davis Hanson

Point: “Obama and his cronies keep referring to ‘the last decade’ in their sorry attempt to blame the Republicans for the present state of the nation. The truth, however, is that the GOP only ran things for the first six of those 10 years. Once the liberals took control of Congress in 2006, it was Dodd, Frank and Obama, along with their good friends at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who brought about the housing meltdown and the ensuing financial collapse. Since 2008, it’s been the Obama administration that has sent the national deficit soaring through the stratosphere.” –columnist Burt Prelutsky

Counterpoint: “In the ‘Pledge to America’ they unveiled last week, House Republicans promise they will ‘launch a sustained effort to stem the relentless growth in government that has occurred over the past decade.’ Who better for the job than the folks who ran the government for most of that time?” –columnist Jacob Sullum

“[The tea party movement] is about electing people who are going to get the Federal government to stop pressing the handle that has been flushing America’s wealth, ingenuity, and capacity for hard work down the toilet bowl of history by promising more and more to people who have produced less and less until no one has anything.” –political analyst Rich Galen

Bombs Cartoon


The sycophant’s lament: “People don’t appreciate some of the amazing legislative agenda that [Barack Obama has] accomplished. Is this a failure of leadership? Has he allowed the opposition to define him?” –ABC’s Christiane Amanpour

Asking the tough questions: “Former President Clinton said he doesn’t think the Democrats, and you included, have been rigorous enough in pushing back against some of the Republican attacks. Over these next five weeks [before the November election], Mr. President, do you intend to change your tone or your emotion in terms of your pushing back?” –NBC’s Matt Lauer to BO

Demented: “You think business can sit on those billions and trillions of dollars for two more years after they screw Obama this time? Are they going to keep sitting on their money so they don’t invest and help the economy for two long years to get Mr. Excitement Mitt Romney elected president? Will they do that to the country?” –MSNBC’s Chris Matthews

The “living constitution”: “Joe Miller, the Palin-blessed Republican nominee for Senate in Alaska, suggests that Social Security is unconstitutional because it wasn’t in the Constitution. The Constitution is a dazzling document, but do these originalists really think things haven’t changed since then? If James Madison beamed down now, he would no doubt be stunned at the idea that America had evolved so far but was hemming itself in by the strictest interpretation of his handiwork. He might even tweet about it.” –New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd

Newspulper Headlines:

Breaking News From March: “Democrats Decide on Political Suicide” –The New Republic website

Questions Nobody Is Asking: “Will God Save the Democrats?” –

Answers to Questions Nobody Is Asking: “Why Democrats Are Pushing a Series of Bills Doomed to Fail” –Christian Science Monitor

The One Thing They Know About: “Congress Changes Intellectual Disability Wording” –Associated Press

Out on a Limb: “Bill Clinton: There’s a 50-50 Chance for Peace Deal” – (Israel)

News You Can Use: “Manhattan Is No Place to Juice Up Your Mitsubishi Clown Mobile” –Bloomberg

Breaking News From 1 Samuel 17:50-51: “Humiliating Doesn’t Begin to Describe Giants’ Performance” –CBS Sports website

Bottom Stories of the Day: “Obama Calls Republican Leaders ‘Irresponsible'” –ABC news website (U.S.)

(Thanks to The Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto)

Village Idiots

Pot and kettle: “If you love deficits, you will love the Republican plan.” –White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer, who must have missed the deficit quadrupling under Democrat control

More lectures: “People have a right to be angry. They have a right to be disappointed. But they still have to be make a choice. An election is not a referendum on their anger. It’s a choice between two candidates.” –Bill Clinton

That’s a good question: “Do you know how many political and economic decisions are made in this world by people who don’t know what in the living daylights they are talking about?” –Bill Clinton

We know what’s best for you: “[T]here’s a little Homer Simpson in all of us. Sometimes we have self-control problems, sometimes we’re impulsive and that in these circumstances, both private and public institutions, without coercing, can make our lives a lot better. Once we know that people are human and have some Homer Simpson in them, then there’s a lot that can be done to manipulate them.” –Obama regulatory czar Cass Sunstein, on helping us make “right choices”

We’re not buying what you’re selling: “I’m extremely sensitive to the feelings of the families of 9/11.” –Ground Zero Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

Short Cuts

“President Obama’s old sloganeering has worn thin. It’s time for a new motto for the most powerful man in the world. And he’s up to the challenge. Obama’s new slogan: ‘It’s not me, it’s you.'” –columnist Ben Shapiro

“On the political gimmickry scale, the GOP’s new ‘Pledge to America’ is worse than some, better than others. Let’s say it falls somewhere between the Federalist Papers and a Harry Reid press release — which, admittedly, pins it down as much as saying you lost a cufflink somewhere between Burkina Faso and Cleveland.” –columnist Jonah Goldberg

“This week, all we’ve heard about is how [Christine] O’Donnell once said she went on a date with a guy in high school who claimed to be a witch. (So what? Bill Clinton married one!)” –columnist Ann Coulter

“President Obama signaled a change in U.S. policy toward the Third World Thursday in a U.N. speech. He said he intends to promote commerce and free trade with poor nations rather than just give them money. If it works there, he’s going to try it here.” –comedian Argus Hamilton

“I’ve got some problems with evolution myself. … I look around at, say, Democrats, and I say, ‘That’s evolved?'” –columnist P.J. O’Rourke


(Please pray for our Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families — especially families of those fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who granted their lives in defense of American liberty.)

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