Sarah Palin’s Interview With Charlie Gibson – Video Excerpts

Posted on Thu 09/11/2008 by


These are the first excerpts to released by ABC of the interview Charlie Gibson has with Sarah Palin in Alaska.

EXCERPTS: Charlie Gibson Interviews Sarah Palin

Republican VP Candidate Speaks with ABC News’ Charlie Gibson in Exclusive Interview

From ABC: —Gov. Sarah Palin took a hard-line approach on national security and said that war with Russia may be necessary if Georgia were to join NATO and be invaded by Russia.Charles Gibson asks Gov. Sarah Palin if she’s prepared to be vice president.In her first of three interviews with ABC News’ Charles Gibson and the only interview since being picked by Sen. John McCain as his Republican vice presidential nominee, Palin categorized the Russian invasion of Georgia as “unacceptable” and warned of the threats from Islamic terrorists and a nuclear Iran.

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