Australian Politics And Earth Hour – From Today’s Bolt Report

Posted on Sun 04/01/2012 by


By Andrew Bolt ~

These three short clips are from this morning’s Bolt Report on Australian TV.

Andrew discusses Earth Hour, Prime Minister Julia Gillard, and the Leader of the Australian Greens Party, Senator Bob Brown…..TonyfromOz.

Our tribute to Earth Hour. And the IPA’s Tim Wilson on our 237 useless global warming schemes.

Our panel debate, with former Keating adviser Greg Turnbull and columnist Niki Savva.

Why don’t Anthony Albanese’s collegues know what to call him? Why is Bob Brown taken seriously? Why won’t Gillard answer the big question?

Niki mentioned the column she wrote on Gillard’s dress sense that got her into strife. Here it is.

Here is the list of federal global warming schemes we were discussing, in case you couldn’t keep up with our ticker:

Carbon Capture and Storage Flagships, Coal Sector Jobs Package, Solar Cities, Department of Climate Change, National Low Emissions Coal, Australian Centre for Renewable Energy, Australian Solar Institute, Community Energy Efficiency Program, Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute, Low Income Energy Efficiency Program, Coal Mining Abatement Technology Support Package, United States – Australia Solar Research Collaboration Initiative, Energy Efficiency Information Grants, Climate Change Grant Program, A Cleaner Future for Power Stations, Energy Efficiency Opportunities Program, Renewable Energy Target Scheme, Renewable Energy Future Fund, National Green Power Accreditation Program, National CO2 Infrastructure Plan, Renewable Energy Venture Capital Fund, Solar Flagships, Sustainable Australia – Measuring Sustainability, Sustainable Australia – Suburban Jobs, Tackling Climate Change – Emissions Reduction Modelling, Sustainable Australia – Sustainable Regional Development, National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting, National Solar Schools Program, LivingGreener website, Carbon Farming Initiative

And a question: if Julia Gillard agrees to go onto a show such as Meet The Press, why does she waste that opportunity by insisting again and again that she has nothing to say? Why not come on with at least some talking point?

Andrew Bolt is a journalist and columnist writing for The Herald Sun in Melbourne Victoria Australia.

Andrew Bolt’s columns appear in Melbourne’s Herald Sun, Sydney’s Daily Telegraph and Adelaide’s Advertiser. He runs the most-read political blog in Australia and hosts Channel 10’s The Bolt Report each Sunday at 10am. He is also heard from Monday to Friday at 8am on the breakfast show of radio station MTR 1377, and his book  Still Not Sorry remains very widely read.

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