Radiation Dose Chart

Posted on Mon 03/21/2011 by


This chart was compiled by the people across at the xkcd blog, and they also have some commentary on it as well at this link to the full Post at their site. A lot of work went into its construction, and we hope they don’t mind if we show it here at our blog. The original chart is at the following link:

Radiation Dose Chart

I want you to look very closely at this chart, and to do that, click on the image and it will open in a new page at a larger size, so you can more easily view the image.

The unit of measurement is the Sievert.

The blue section shows those units measured in micro Sieverts, which are millionths of a Sievert.

The green section shows those units measured as milli Sieverts, which are thousandths of a Sievert.

The blue section of the chart blends into the green section at the top left, in other words everything on that blue chart translates to the tiny number at the top left of that green chart.

Look half way down the left side of the green part of this chart, and you will see it shows there that the U.S. EPA h says that the average yearly ;imit for exposure to radiation is 1 milli Sievert.

Directly below that EPA limit is the maximum dose for a single Mammogram, and notice that it is three times the EPA limit for exposure.

However, what is even more astounding is, still on the green side of that chart, the one indicated at the bottom of the left hand side there, where it shows the average normal yearly background dose. That comes in at nearly four times the EPA yearly limit, and read that again, because it’s the average normal yearly background dose from just living your life.

Notice that a simple chest X Ray, upper right on the green chart is nearly six times the EPA yearly limit, and that’s just for one chest X Ray.

Back on the blue side of the chart, note right near the top the dose rate for living within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant. That’s almost one micro Sievert, which is, and wait for this, less that one tenth of one percent of the EPA’s yearly limit.

You might also note that you are exposed to more physical radiation if you live within 50 miles of a coal fired power plant, in fact three times as much as living close to that nuclear power plant.

You may also notice how much radiation you are exposed to just by spending a day in the Mountains, say one day at Colorado, and that is 12 times as much as living near that nuclear power plant.

Se also how much radiation you are exposed to by a flight from LA to New York. 12 round trips, say for a California politician, would see that person reach the EPA limit.

Read the chart very carefully for yourself, and not how much radiation exposure is in fact being measured at the Nuclear plant in Japan. Notice also the dose rates for the Three Mile Island Accident.

See also how the green chart then blends into the chart at the bottom of the image. I haven’t included that in the image, not because there’s anything significant on it, but that it is too big to fit on the page.

However, if you do wish to see that section of the chart, then the whole chart is able to be seen at this following link:

Radiation Dose Chart

So, if you have any doubts about the major scare campaign being whipped into a frenzy by the mainstream media, then refer back to this chart, because this chart shows you the facts, not speculation, not fear mongering, not misinformation, but just plain factual information that you can look at with your own eyes.

This is what should be put on the facing page of every media outlet, but something like isn’t news, so you’ll never see it.

Now, look again very closely at the chart for the most glaring of anomalies on the whole thing.

The EPA itself states categorically that the limit is 1 milli Sivert a year.

Yet, in just living a normal everyday average life, everybody is exposed to 3.6 milliSieverts each year.

That tells me one thing, and it’s not about normal everyday life. It’s that the EPA is intimating that living that everyday life is somehow dangerous because it exposes us to nearly 4 times their imposed limit for radiation exposure.