Browsing All posts tagged under »The Kyoto Protocol«

Life Without (Electrical) Power (Part Three)

March 22, 2010 by


PART THREE OF THREE PARTS If you have not read Part One and Part Two, read them first by taking the links. In Part One, I mentioned the scare campaign of an impending Global Warming/Climate Change ‘catastrophe’, and how Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions, especially from coal fired power plants are the cause of this, and […]

Stop Al Gore Before He Lies Again..And Again…And Again!

February 28, 2010 by


By Alan Caruba The New York Times once again is Al Gore’s “enabler”, publishing a February 28 opinion editorial, “We Can’t Wish Away Climate Change”, despite the mounting evidence that global warming was and is a complete fabrication. In November 2009, the Telegraph, a British newspaper, carried a story, “Al Gore could become world’s first […]

The Melting Of American Sovereignty At ‘Hopenhagen’

February 27, 2010 by


By Adam Raezler Delegates and heads of state from 193 free and sovereign nations gathered in Copenhagen this past December with the hopes of agreeing on a binding international agreement to combat global climate change. Before Copenhagen, two similar international conferences were held with the purpose of addressing global climate change. Both, with the most […]

Prepare For The Next Bubble…For A Made Up Commodity

February 23, 2010 by


By Nick Loris At least when there was a housing bubble, there were actual houses involved. The next bubble could ostensibly be a carbon dioxide bubble; the newly-created, artificial market for a clear, odorless gas is growing at rapid rates. According to a new article from Mark Shapiro in Harper’s: Carbon trading is now the […]

The Multi-Billion Dollar Global Warming Fraud

February 21, 2010 by


By Alan Caruba As the massive global warming fraud implodes, the one aspect of it that has not been explored in depth is the equally massive waste of billions of dollars spent by the United States and nations around the world, we were told, to avoid global warming. Whole industries such as automobile manufacture had […]

The Yucca Mountain Blues

February 19, 2010 by


By Alan Caruba Are you worried about your “carbon footprint”? Still think “global warming” is real despite the fact that one of its leading advocates, a climatologist, recently said that there’s no significant data to demonstrate any warming since 1995? Can’t figure out why the White House is still trying desperately to pass the “Cap-and-Trade” […]

How Big A Failure Was Copenhagen?

January 7, 2010 by


By Ben Lieberman To fully appreciate what a step backwards the final Copenhagen accord is, one has to recall the buildup to it. For the last two years, global warming activists and UN officials had circled December 2009 on their calendars as the watershed moment for creating a new carbon-constrained global economy for decades to […]

Climate Change After Copenhagen – What Happens Next?

December 24, 2009 by


HOW TEN WORDS WRITTEN IN 1997 KILLED OFF COPENHAGEN. No matter what the spin might ever hope to achieve, Copenhagen was a huge flop. Because major World leaders actually did show up, they had to try and come away with something positive, so these people wouldn’t be absolutely humiliated, which, if the truth is to […]

Copenhagen Failed; Hooray, Hooray!

December 22, 2009 by


By William R. Hawkins “Don’t believe the hype, there is nothing fair, ambitious or legally binding about this deal….What we needed was a legally binding agreement that was fair to developing countries and ambitious when it came to emissions cuts and ending deforestation. In the end they produced a poor deal full of loopholes big […]

Climategate: We Won The Battle, But At Copenhagen We Just Lost The War

December 20, 2009 by


By James Delingpole Copenhagen has been a disaster for the free world and hardly anyone seems to have noticed. We have been distracted by the sweet schadenfreude as the event was overshadowed by the Climategate scandal at the beginning, and the Russian bombshell at the end. And by our delight in seeing the many business […]

Clashing in Copenhagen

December 18, 2009 by


By Nick Loris With the Copenhagen climate summit wrapping up Friday, there are a number of battles developing from the political elite to the grassroots activists. But none is bigger than the one between developed and developing nations that has stalled progress for a binding treaty. Rich vs. Poor Developing nations want more money to […]

Cutting Wealth, Not Emissions

December 16, 2009 by


By Andrew Bolt Other than this, and the higher prices and power blackouts, it won’t hurt a bit, honest: THE amended emissions trading scheme put forward by the Government threatens to wipe off about 3 per cent of the value of Australia’s top 200 companies, according to research to be released today… An analysis of […]

Copenhagen – Money And Power

December 14, 2009 by


WHY DID SO MANY DEVELOPING COUNTRIES WALK AWAY FROM THE COPENHAGEN CONFERENCE AND WHY IS THE ORIGINAL KYOTO PROTOCOL SO IMPORTANT? During the election campaign, then Senator Obama never came out and directly said that he would be ratifying the Kyoto protocol of 1997, but the suggestion from reading between the lines was that this […]

Copenhagen – Message To Obama: Leave Our Jobs Here, Bring Our Sovereignty Back

December 11, 2009 by


By Nick Loris President Obama headed overseas to collect his Nobel Peace Prize and make his pitch for collective action on climate change. Of course, if our president commits us to any binding agreement to reduce greenhouse gases, our jobs will be heading overseas too. The Senate’s 1997 Byrd-Hagel Resolution warned not to enter into […]

The Treason Of ‘Climate Justice’

November 13, 2009 by


By William R. Hawkins Barcelona, Spain was the site of the most recent United Nations climate conference, part of a series of meetings that have filled 5-star hotels around the world. It was the last full preliminary conference before the Copenhagen meeting in December where a new global treaty is to be written restricting greenhouse […]

The Green Question: How Poorer Do We Want To Be?

October 15, 2009 by


By Andrew Bolt Global warming believer Professor Bjorn Lomborg predicts failure at UN’s global warming conference at Copenhagen in December – especially given the failure of all the other hot-air festivals we’ve had before: (I)mmediate promises of carbon cuts do not work. Seventeen years ago, industrialised nations promised with great fanfare in Rio de Janeiro […]

Why Copenhagen Climate Talks Will Fail – The New China Syndrome (Part 2)

October 6, 2009 by


PART TWO OF THREE PARTS In the previous post, I mentioned that there was something that the UN was not telling us in this Climate Change/Global Warming debate, something that might actually prove inconvenient if it was to become public knowledge. What they are telling us, and concentrating heavily upon is the need to reduce […]

Why Copenhagen Climate Talks Will Fail – The New China Syndrome (Part 1)

October 5, 2009 by


PART ONE OF THREE PARTS It’s a pretty bold thing to say that these talks will fail, and don’t get me wrong, because as much as anybody I would like them to actually accomplish something, but no matter what the spin is that will come from this conference about it achieving something, the actuality is […]

UN Leader Calls For U.S. To Hurry Climate Change Legislation

October 4, 2009 by


I am currently in the process of constructing a short series on this upcoming Climate Change Conference to be held later this year in Copenhagen. That series will start tomorrow, and I have already constructed that first post, and the second post in the series. However, this article appeared today in most of the media […]

Desperate Climate Change Lobbying Continues

September 19, 2009 by


As the COP15 meeting in Copenhagen later this year rapidly approaches, it seems not one week goes by when we hear of another meeting to shore up support for a hoped for replacement for the now patently failed Kyoto Protocol. This article details how UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has called for World leaders to […]

Weather Malarkey

June 9, 2009 by


By Alan Caruba. TonyfromOz prefaces ….. As you read this be aware that these are two separate bodies, even though the acronyms look quite similar and even the names sound the same. The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) is a group from The Heartland Institute. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is […]

How Much Will Eco-Cops Fine Us?

June 4, 2009 by


Andrew Bolt. TonyfromOz prefaces ….. Hmm! So it isn’t just about the environment. It really is just about the money. Who would have thought that? This will cost, as I warned at the time: AUSTRALIA is on track to breach the Kyoto protocol by emitting too much greenhouse pollution. Under the landmark international climate pact, […]

Bonn Climate Change Talks – Political Jockeying

June 3, 2009 by


This December there will be the important Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. This Conference will be held to try and implement a replacement for the now patently failed Kyoto protocol. The original was implemented to save the World from what we are told is catastrophic Globel Warming. It has now become Climate Change. The original […]

Waxman Markey – Selfish, Thoughtless, Heartless, Cruel

May 25, 2009 by


THE I’M ALL RIGHT JACK BILL If you read nothing else at this site, read this. This is important. Make no mistake, this Bill is aimed at one very specific target. That target is Copenhagen, at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to be held in early December later this year. It’s […]