Browsing All posts tagged under »Nuclear Scaremongering«

Nuclear Power Provides Clean Energy That Works

November 20, 2020 by


By Dr. Jay Lehr ~ The truth about nuclear power is that it provides a viable and safe means for satisfying the world’s growing need for electricity. While the US is truly awash in oil and gas and coal as well, the rest of the world is not so lucky. Fortunately outside of the US […]

Regulatory Reform Could Reinvigorate Nuclear Energy

October 21, 2019 by


By Duggan Flanakin ~ The science is settled. Nuclear technology provides the cleanest, most reliable, and potentially least expensive form of energy for the planet – far cleaner than wind or solar. South African nuclear scientist Kelvin Kemm calls nuclear power the cleanest, greenest, and safest form of power production. While the 30-year-old Koeberg nuclear provides […]

‘Three Mile Island’ Nuclear Accident Wasn’t All It’s Cracked Up To Be

March 29, 2019 by


By Katie Tubb ~ Early this morning 40 years ago, America experienced its first major accident at a nuclear power plant—Three Mile Island in central Pennsylvania. Many Americans by then had already seen Jane Fonda’s “The China Syndrome,” a nuclear disaster film that debuted three weeks earlier. Time magazine would memorialize the Three Mile Island […]

Nuclear Fairy Tales

August 3, 2017 by


By Peter Huessy ~ The complex subject of nuclear deterrence is the subject of a new essay by a young, non-nuclear expert, a Terrell Jermaine Starr, writing for Foxtrot Alpha. The work is unfortunately such an extraordinary mash of errors, distortions, and incomprehensible assertions that it needs a strong rebuttal. The author starts with a […]

The Difference Between A Conservative And A Labor Party Anti Nuclear Hysteric? 17 Years

February 16, 2016 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ Why has it taken the Australian Labor Party 17 years to even consider a plan first forward by Pangea and howled down then by anti-nuclear hysterics? Why did the Labor Party surrender billions of dollars and thousands of jobs over so many years, when its duty was to confront the fake […]

Physicist: There Was No Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

October 14, 2013 by


The terrible toll from Japan’s Tsunami came from the wave, not the radiation By Dr. Kelvin Kemm. PhD ~ I have watched a TV programme called ‘Fear Factor.’ In the series there are contestants who have to confront their worst fears to see who bales out and who can fight the fear and get through. […]

Call The Fukushima Fear-Mongers To Account

June 3, 2013 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ WHERE are those shameless nuclear hysterics who whipped up the Fukushima panic, now punctured by a United Nations report? The UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation last week found none of the Japanese public is likely to get sick from the 2011 incident, when a tsunami smashed into […]

Fukushima Reality Check: No Adverse Health Effects

June 1, 2013 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ After all that reckless hype and hysteria: RADIATION leaked after Japan’s Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011 is unlikely to cause any ill health effects in the future, says a UN scientific committee drawing up a major new report. “Radiation exposure following the nuclear accident at Fukushima-Daiichi… did not cause any immediate […]

Where Are The Fukushima Alarmists Now?

March 13, 2013 by


By Andrew Bolt ~ Remember the disgraceful scaremongering over Fukushima, with Helen Caldicott (speaking in the video below) even warning Japan could become “uninhabitable”? I want to see the following people lined up against a studio wall to be shot in close-up explaining how they got Fukushima so wrong. First, let’s ask Crikey writer Guy […]