Kamala Harris Bad Climate Cop

Posted on Sat 08/15/2020 by


By Craig Rucker ~

As Attorney General of California, Kamala Harris misused her authority to attack the First Amendment rights of climate skeptics and other “deplorables.”

In the waning days of the Obama Administration, radicals devised plans to launch a climate inquisition against nonprofit organizations, such as CFACT, that use facts to correct the the exaggerations and distortions routinely employed by the global warming campaign.

They planned to use the investigative and prosecutorial powers of attorneys general and district attorneys to make it clear that reporting facts inconvenient to the climate narrative, or funding those with the temerity to do so, would result in legal jeopardy and terrible publicity.  In other words, when it comes to climate policy and science, one must BE COMPLIANT, BE SILENT or BE PUNISHED.

Free speech be damned.

Kamala Harris enthusiastically climbed aboard and pledged to throw the awesome power of the Golden State state behind the inquisition.

In September, 2015, Jagadish Shukla and Edward Maibach, both climate radical professors at George Mason University, spearheaded a letter to U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch and President Obama asking them to explore RICO charges against climate “deniers” and their funders. they proposed a terrible misuse of a statute created to take down the mafia to suppress speech about the climate.  It morphed into the “#ExxonKnew” campaign.

Al Gore brought his “Climate Reality Project” into the mix.  This led to an infamous press conference on March 29, 2016 in which NY AG Eric Schneiderman hosted Gore and a large posse of public officials to launch “AGs United for Clean Power” of which California AG Kamala Harris was a charter member.

CFACT’s close friends at the Competitive Enterprise Institute used FOIA to uncover emails which showed rampant collusion between paid climate radicals and state attorneys general to work together to suppress free speech by climate skeptics.

New York’s AG filed a lawsuit against Exxon, as did Massachusetts AG Maura Healey.  Both attempted to use tortured interpretations of securities or consumer protection law to argue that America’s largest oil company committed fraud by being skeptical of radical climate pronouncements.  Worse yet it consorted with climate skeptical scholars and policy experts.  These lawsuits have so far fared terribly.  They weren’t helped when New York AG Schneiderman was forced to resign.  He had embraced the “#MeToo” movement, but then faced serious allegations of physical abuse brought by four women.

A group of attorneys general opposed to what AGs United was up to responded writing,  “using law enforcement authority to resolve a public policy debate undermines the trust invested in our offices and threatens free speech.”

“I’m suing them,” Harris told an activist. “Investigating first, then suing.”  Vowing to file suit before an investigation reached conclusion raised a serious issue of legal ethics.  Harris, however, never filed her lawsuit, but did lie and say she did at a CNN climate town hall.

Moderator Erin Burnett asked, “so, Senator Harris, what would you do? Would you sue them? Sue Exxon Mobil?” “I have sued Exxon Mobil,” Harris replied.

Politifact reported that Harris “opened an investigation into the oil giant over allegations it was lying to the public and its shareholders about climate change. But there’s no public evidence, or any from her campaign, that she ever filed a lawsuit against the company. We rate her claim False.”

As a candidate for president, Kamala Harris was not embarrassed about having used her powers as California AG to chill free speech.  On the contrary.  Her pursuit of her party’s climate radical base was so ardent, that she lied to create the appearance that she had moved beyond investigation and filed suit.

Which is more frightening, that our First Amendment found no protector in Kamala Harris, or that she lied to keep her membership in good standing with the anti-free speech mob?

As Attorney General Kamala Harris used similar strong-arm tactics against nonprofits such as The Center for Competitive Politics and Americans for Prosperity.  She attempted to force both organizations to disclose the names of their donors so the Left could harass them. In both cases she was blocked by the federal courts.

Kamala Harris’ conduct as California Attorney General revealed a stunning lack of concern for our First Amendment rights as well as a troubling willingness to make heavy-handed use her power to advance partisan ends.

As a Senator and presidential candidate she later went all-in on eco-radicalism.

Harris signed on as an enthusiastic supporter of the “Green New Deal” and said during her campaign,  “as president of the United States, I am prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass a Green New Deal.”

Apparently rounding up the votes of 60 senators to advance legislation is only an essential protection when it is Republican legislation being stalled.  If the legislation would take us Left the nuclear option is ready to launch.

Senator Harris recently partnered with Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to introduce “The Climate Equity Act” which would require energy and environment policy makers to utilize an “equity score” that would weight the legislation based on factors of race, gender, and socio-economic background.  Their goal is “environmental justice.”   “Major environmental policies must be written by the black, brown, and low-income people who have been and will be disproportionately impacted by it, just like the Green New Deal envisioned,” AOC said in a press statement.

Always remember that when eco-radicals use the word “justice” that is code for redistribution and control.  Actual justice doesn’t enter into it.

Kamala Harris has also made clear that she would end the shale energy revolution that finally achieved the long-sought goal of American energy independence.   “There is no question I am in favor of banning fracking,” Harris told that CNN climate town hall.

If elected, 78-year-old Joe Biden would be the oldest person to assume the presidency in American history.  He would also be among the most frail.  It is cliché to observe that any vice president lives just a heartbeat away from the presidency.  Yet, no major party has nominated a vice president with greater chance of assuming the top job since Roosevelt’s fourth term.

The tried-and-true presidential strategy is to run extreme in the primary, grab hold of the base, then pivot to the center for the general.  Joe Biden is doing just the opposite.  His advisors radicalized his climate and energy agenda after Biden secured the nomination.  They then brought Kamala Harris’ eco-agenda on board.  Both spell devastation for America’s energy economy.

Harris’ presidential campaign put a price tag of $10 trillion on her climate plans, and pledged to force Americans into carbon neutrality by 2030.  Are you prepared to give up your car, energy, and for many your job in just ten years?

America cannot afford to be force marched into an inefficient Green energy economy in ten years, nor can we afford any further erosion of our constitutional right to free speech.

In the future, when Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Bill Nye stand before a group of climate activists and Hollywood celebrities and call for climate skeptics to be jailed, what would Kamala Harris do?

Craig Rucker is the current President of, and the co-founder of the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT).

Read more excellent articles at CFACT  http://www.cfact.org/

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