AP: Will ‘Hard-Right’ Kavanaugh Court Pick Haunt GOP?

Posted on Wed 08/08/2018 by


By Scott Whitlock ~

The Associated Press is REALLY worried about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The AP posted an article on Tuesday alerting that a “hard-right” Court might come back to haunt the GOP. On Monday, the news outlet suggested that “devout Catholic” judges like Kavanaugh might have trouble “upholding the law as written” in light of the Pope’s new decree on the death penalty.

On Tuesday, the AP blasted this headline out: “Could hard-right Supreme Court haunt GOP? History says maybe.” How often do journalistic outlets worry about “hard-left” nominees from Democratic administrations? According a study by the Media Research Center, not often.

AP writer Alan Fram predicted bad news if the Republicans are able to solidify a conservative majority on the Court:

Be careful what you wish for.

That’s the history lesson for Republicans eagerly anticipating Brett Kavanaugh’s ascension to the Supreme Court, which could cement conservative control of the court for a generation.

The GOP may ultimately pay a political price.

Regarding abortion, Fram theorized on how conservatives could lose by winning the Court:

The disconnect between the court’s ideological leanings and voters’ preferences occurs because justices are appointed for life. With turnover on the bench infrequent, the court’s views often lag behind the election results of the presidents and senators who pick them.

On Monday, Amy Forliti’s AP article fretted about “Death penalty decree could be quandary for US politicians.” This time, the concern is whether the religious Kavanaugh would able to make death penalty decisions honestly:

Some Catholic leaders in death penalty states have said they’ll continue to support capital punishment. But experts say Francis’ change could shift political debates, loom over Supreme Court confirmation hearings, and make it difficult for devout Catholic judges to uphold the law as written.

Generally, journalists haven’t concerned themselves with the contradictions liberal Catholic judges and politicians face by supporting abortion, something their church strongly opposes.

Finally, if that wasn’t enough anti-Kavanaugh hysteria, CNN.com on Monday hyped this misleading headline: “Trump Supreme Court pick: Presidents can ignore laws they think are unconstitutional.” Sounds bad, right?

Well, as Twitchy explained, Kavanaugh stated a President “may decline to follow the law unless and until a final Court order dictates otherwise.” Well, yeah. But the damage was done as the scary-sounding headline had been blasted all over Twitter. Liberal celebrity Debra Messing freaked: “WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTT??? #StopKavanaugh #BlockBrett.”

Expect this Kavanaugh hysteria from liberal journalists to only heat up when hearings begin.

Scott Whitlock is the associate editor for the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters.org site.

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