Virginia Tech Faulted Over Massacre

Posted on Thu 08/30/2007 by


_42825225_nbc203bodycho Well I suppose this is no surprise. Blame the school, instead of the idiot who shot people.

(BBC) Lives might have been saved if Virginia Tech officials had acted sooner after student Cho Seung-hui’s first killings, a state report into the shootings says.

“Warning students, faculty and staff might have made a difference,” it says.

The independent panel also concluded that though Cho had demonstrated signs of mental instability earlier, college staff had not intervened effectively.

Cho killed 32 people and himself at the US university in April in the deadliest shooting rampage in modern US history.

The eight-member panel, appointed by Virginia governor Tim Kaine, said officials should have issued an alert or cancelled classes after Cho shot his first two victims – Emily Hilscher and Ryan Clark – in a dormitory just after 0700 on 16 April.

The real fault lies with Virginia Tech, but over the inability of law abiding students and faculty to protect themselves from armed madmen like Cho.

Gun-free zones are nothing more than victim rich environments where those with guns can run rampant over the law abiding unarmed citizens.

images Had Emily Hilscher or Ryan Clark been armed, (may they rest in peace) Cho may not have killed them, or anyone else. He may have been stopped, or given cause to pause before trying to kill his fellow students.

Every state should pass a castle doctrine law, and allow their law abiding citizens to carry a concealed hand-gun.