Congressmen Who Lied About WMD in Iraq

Posted on Fri 05/30/2014 by


Former Congressman (R/PA) Curt Weldon
Congressmen Who Lied About WMD in Iraq  ~

By: Dave Gaubatz ~

There are many people who have portrayed me as a right wing extremist.  Not really
sure what that means.  I love America, I served our country in the USAF for 24 years,
went into war (Iraq/2003), would have sacrificed my life for the innocent Muslims
in Iraq who were being slaughtered by Saddam, and to this day I devote myself to
 doing the little bit I can to educate people on the dangers of Islam and Shariah
law.  If that is what I am being slandered for by Islamic terrorists and their supporters,
then I am proud to be called a right wing extremist.

To this day I still get emails and phone calls about the issue of WMD in Iraq. 
Although this is now going on 11 years since we went into Iraq to hunt for WMD,
it is still as important an issue for me today as it was in 2003.  Most people do
not know the truth about WMD in Iraq.  I believe President Bush was betrayed by
senior U.S. officials who were on the ground in Iraq and supposed to be carrying
 out a high priority mission of searching for WMD.

I was sent into Iraq for two primary objectives.  One was to hunt the Saddam supporters,
and the second was to search for WMD.  I was in southern Iraq and numerous Iraqi’s
risked their lives to provide information about WMD sites.  There were four primary
sites identified near Nasiriyah, Iraq.  My team and I reported our information to
the Iraq Survey Group (ISG) in Baghdad.  We needed heavy equipment and personnel
 to excavate the four sites.  The Iraqi’s from different backgrounds said if the
 U.S. doesn’t excavate the WMD, then insurgents from Iran would do so, and some
would go to Syria.  After repeated requests to the ISG, the sites were never excavated.
 In late 2003, President Bush says the hunt for WMD is over.

When I returned from Iraq in the summer of 2003, I left federal service because
I wanted to go public about the suspected sites in Iraq that were never searched.
 I was informed by U.S. Federal Agents that some of the Iraqi’s who had identified
the sites had been killed by Saddam forces and Al Qaeda.  I have always said I don’t
know if there was WMD in Iraq, but I do know that sites the ISG team told President
Bush were excavated, in reality were not.

In early 2004 a prominent journalist who is still active today contacted me.  He
 wanted to do a TV interview about WMD in Iraq.  The interview was aired.  This
journalist again contacted me and wanted me to meet with a U.S. Congressman to provide
all of the details about WMD.  For 24 years I had not been aware of the major differences
between Republicans and Democrats.  I just loved my country and would have gave
my life for any Commander in Chief, regardless of political views.

The journalist said Congressman Curt Weldon (R/PA) wanted to meet with me.  I was
flown to DC.  I met Congressman Weldon and gave him all of the intelligence about
WMD and how to verify my information.  While in Iraq I had written several classified
intelligence reports and a Congressman could easily obtain them.  Weldon obtained
the reports and this verified my information.  Weldon was very excited and he wanted
Congressman Pete Hoekstra to speak with me.  This occurred.  Weldon and his Chief
of Staff (Russ Caso) then wanted me to arrange to have one of the Iraqi’s who had
identified one site, to come to DC and meet with him and Hoekstra.

You can see the emails between Caso, Weldon, and I about bringing the Iraqi to Weldon’s
office.  After Weldon met the Iraqi he came up with a plan for us to travel to Iraq,
go to the suspected WMD sites, and then have a team excavate the sites.  Weldon
said if WMD is found we will inform the media, but if nothing is found no one would
be informed.  He said the trip to Iraq would be setup as a visit of the troops.
 Weldon and Hoekstra informed me that no other politician should be told about this,
not anyone in the military, and especially no one from the CIA.

Weldon went on to say we would bring four of the Iraqi informants along to Iraq.
  They had been granted asylum in America because of their assistance to our country.
 Weldon said the Iraqis would likely not be able to return from Iraq because their
asylum stated they could not return to Iraq, and if they did they would lose their
asylum.  I told Weldon and Caso that I did not want to be part of any scenario that
would put the Iraqi’s in danger.  They had saved many American lives and I would
 not take them to Iraq, left, and definitely to be killed by Al Qaeda.  This upset
Weldon, Hoekstra, and Caso.  I cancelled the trip back to Iraq.

A sampling of the emails from Caso and Weldon to me about bringing the Iraqi’s to
his office and the trip to Iraq.

Please contact him and I can go pick him up. Also please give me a call
when you get a minute at 202-225-xxxx..

—–Original Message—–
From: curtpa07
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:05 AM
To: Caso, Russell
Subject: Fw: Updated info Gaubatz
Please arrange this for me tomorrow

—–Original Message—–
From: dave gaubatz <>
To: curtpa07 <>
Sent: Wed May 03 11:03:49 2006
Subject: Re: Updated info Gaubatz
Yes Sir, I can contact him now. I do not know if he has transportation,
would there be any possibility for a car to pick him up? .If you tell me
what time, I know he would want to speak with you. He id’d the site in
Basra. He speaks English pretty good, but his wife speaks perfect English
(she was an Iraqi Doctor). It might be good for her to come also. thank
you, Dave Gaubatz

curtpa07 <> wrote:
Can I meet with him privately tomorrow?

—–Original Message—–
From: dave gaubatz <>
To: curtpa07 <>
Sent: Wed May 03 10:52:01 2006
Subject: Updated info Gaubatz
Congressman Weldon,
Below is additional information: Hassan XXXX (former Nasiriyah and Basra
Iraqi Police Captain) was granted humanitarian parole (political asylum) in
2003 by the U.S. State Department partly due to his information he provided
on one of the WMD sites near Nasiriyah. He risked his life to take me to a
site. He lives in Washington DC with his family and would assist by going to
sites as well. He is very familiar with the locations and understands the
people from the area. He would be good for language and safety issues as
well. thank you, Dave Gaubatz

I have numerous emails from Weldon and Caso.  I have again reported on this matter
because I know there is a high probability insurgents from Syria and Iran excavated
the WMD in Iraq, and there is a high probability it will be used against innocent
people. Possibly some of it was used against Syrians by the Syrian government. 
I also believe it is important for people to know that I do not play the politics
card.  regardless if one is a Democrat or Republican, if they put our country in
 danger I will expose them.

It should be noted that during our out processing from Iraq we had to have a medical
checkup.  My medical report says I was exposed to high levels of radiation and the
water in Iraq had high levels of radiation.

While the media goes wild about an 82 year old owner of an NBA team (Clippers) going
on a racist rant, we have Islamic terrorists who will likely use WMD inside our
country.  Where are our priorities?

Providing you first-hand intelligence on research I have conducted throughout America…
No Sugar-Coating or Concerns of Being Politically Correct. Just the Truth.  Dave

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