Obama, Chávez, and Castro – Three of a Kind?

Posted on Mon 05/11/2009 by



Gabriel Garnica, Esq.

Frankly, I was a bit surprised by all the hoopla over Barack Obama’s friendly exchange with Hugo Chávez at the Americas Summit. After all, since when is it controversial, scandalous or even surprising for “blood brothers” to warmly greet each other?

The Three Amigos?

Before we go on, it is both fitting and proper to add a third buddy to this duo, and that addition can be none other than Fidel Castro. Although the infamous Cuban dictator is presently ill and out of power, he represents the very essence of Hugo Chávez and Barack Obama. It is almost surreal to say it now, but if Obama had been the American leader during the Bay of Pigs fiasco, it would not have been a fiasco but rather a successful delivery of American aid to Castro’s regime.

If we simply admit what is plainly obvious; namely, that Barack Obama, Hugo Chávez and Fidel Castro have barely been separated at political birth, then we will spare ourselves considerable drama and shock. These three have more in common than most married couples ever had, and their future as philosophical clones is a bright red one.


All three men seem to be Marxists to anyone with an ounce of credibility, honesty and objectivity. We have neither the space nor the stomach to go through the evidence supporting this fact, but I invite anyone who doubts this assertion to simply do a little research of their own.

All three men clearly detest religion and, whenever they have bothered to admit its existence, have seen it as nothing more than a vehicle for promoting their own agenda. Castro’s hatred for all things Christian and deep hatred of religion is legendary. A Danish scholar who studied Chávez’s beliefs opined that for Chávez, the only values of Christianity and Christ were as vehicles for Marxist imagery. Chávez expelled the Christian missionary group New Tribes Mission from Venezuela, calling them “imperialists.” He also accused his country’s Roman Catholic prelate, Cardinal Rosario Castillo, a “coup-mongering bandit” and its Catholic leadership a “cancer.” Finally, Chávez described Pope John Paul II as a “potato,” making a crude Spanish play on words since both pope and potato in Spanish are written and pronounced the same.

Despite this vile distaste for religion in general and Christianity in particular, Chávez dares to wave around a crucifix, call Christ “the greatest socialist in history” and view himself as a type of Christ. As he has proven so many times regarding so many issues, Hugo Chávez is a living embodiment of the idea that idiots are often the most daring souls around.

Not to be outdone by his buddy Hugo, Obama has given more credit to Islam than Christianity in America’s history, minimized the celebration of the National Day of Prayer and dared to call himself a Christian while expecting no laughter from those in attendance. Like Chávez, Obama also uses religion as a convenient prop to wave around when it behooves him.


These three men clearly dislike America and blame this country for most, if not all, of the world’s ills. Castro and Chávez’s rants against the U.S. are required reading for any hater of this country. Obama might just be the only American leader who has constantly blamed America for many of the wrongs this planet has recently faced. Perhaps the height of this absurdity occurred when Obama told the French that America was arrogant, which is like telling Jerry Lewis that someone else is silly. One would expect someone like Castro or Chávez to seek measures which endanger U.S. interests around the world, but to see that kind of thing from the American leader himself is certainly disheartening. Based on their words and attitudes against this country and what it stands for, we may soon see these three wiping their faces with the American flag during an Anti-America cookout.


From their rhetoric and history, one will be hard pressed to find a drop of humility among these three self-centered men. Castro proclaimed himself Cuba’s liberator and swept into power in a wave calling for “change” and a new direction for his country. Chávez has proven himself very adept at stamping out opposition to his egotistical and delusional grasp on power. Obama has often been perceived as being extremely self-centered and egotistical, prompting many to mock his suave, sophisticated persona as the polished mask of the ultimate empty suit.

It should be no surprise to anyone that historian professor Rafael Rojas once described Fidel Castro’s arrogance as demagogic exaltations disguised as noble calls to the dignity and courage of the Cuban people. Rojas described the way this man could weave lies as noble and passionate calls for change. Anyone who has been inflicted with a typical Hugo Chávez rant knows a thing or two about arrogance and demagogic exaltations. As for delusions of grandeur, the fact that Chávez has compared himself to Christ and Simon Bolivar should convince anyone that this Venezuelan despot is indeed delusional.

I have heard Barack Hussein Obama called many things, but humble has never been one of them. One of Phyllis Shafley’s sons went to law school with Obama and describes catching him writing his name in different ways as one of the strangest examples of self-centeredness he has ever seen. He acted as if he had won the election before it was held, from a presidential-like press conference to acting abroad as if he was the de facto representative of this country. As for delusions of grandeur, Obama seems to fancy himself a combination of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy.

Propaganda Machine?

All three men have a national propaganda machine pretending to be their country’s press corps fawning and portraying their moves in the most positive manner. Despite the fact that Castro is retired from power, he is portrayed in his country as an elder statesman and national icon. Chávez has demonstrated very little patience for any presentation of himself as anything less than the best thing that has happened to Venezuela since oil. As for Obama, the sight of him stammering and stumbling as soon as a teleprompter fails to deliver his lines on a silver platter while his fawning media pets drool over his smooth delivery and oratory skills is enough to make anyone ill.


Whether you call them three of a kind, three amigos or three Marxists in a tub, the socialist firm of Castro, Chávez and Obama is busy doing business selling the idea that any of these three has ever had a clue about moral leadership, the voice of the people or respect for faith. If you ask me, the only trio these three remind me of is the Stooges, with apologies to Moe. Larry, and Curley.

FamilySecurityMatters.org Contributing Editor Gabriel Garnica, Esq., is a college professor and licensed attorney whose regular commentary also appears on NewsMediaJournal.us, Michnews, and various internet journals.

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