Shenandoah Protest a Huge Success

Posted on Sun 08/31/2008 by


by Wendi Medashefski

The rally at the Babe Ruth field in Shenandoah was yet another successful, peaceful rally hosted by Voice of the People USA. More than 600 people attended, and they were quite vocal!

The speakers began with Dan Smeriglio leading the crowd in the pledge of allegiance, and then a brief moment of silence. Ruth Miller of Illegal Protest talked about the effects of illegal immigration and how the media basically ignores stories about Americans being killed by illegal aliens. Dan Amato of Diggers Realm was very impassioned while talking about the Balogna family that was gunned down in San Francisco by an illegal alien gang banger.

Next up was my husband, Ed Medashefski, of Voice of the People USA. He talked about the 287(g) program that allows local law enforcement to determine immigration status and initiate deportation proceedings.

Dan Smeriglio, founder and president of VOPUSA, started to tell his personal story about 9/11, how he was in NY that day and lost a cousin and two uncles. This speech was interrupted by none other than Crystal Dillman, the alleged fiancee of Luis Ramirez. Dillman and a few of her friends were holding a Mexican flag and had been standing in the back for some time. They got NO attention from anyone, so they moved into the crowd of patriots, flashing the middle finger along the way.

The crowd got upset, and started to swarm towards her. Smeriglio kept talking, even saying “I guess they don’t care about 9/11” referring to Dillman and her co-traitors. The audience eventually came back to listen, but not until the police made her leave (giving the middle finger from the parking area).

Smeriglio introduced me, and the crowd cheered. I told them about the Criminal Alien Program (CAP) and briefly described its function. I went on to tell them that their mayor had been invited repeatedly to address them , but no reply was ever received. I had been told earlier that the mayor had gone to the “counter protest” in the church kitchen across town, but I guess we’ll have to wait to see if that’s true. I told everyone to remember his actions when election time rolls around.

Someone in the crowd shouted to me to run for mayor! I laughed and reminded them that I don’t live in Shenandoah. Then I asked, “Should I move in?” and the crowd roared.

All in all , the rally was a great success, and we are so very proud of everyone who was brave enough to attend. One very special person who came is an agoraphobic. This amazing woman managed to stay through the whole event, even talking to me afterwards. She has a beautiful daughter and a friendly husband, and I suspect she is going to be very helpful in bringing about some real changes in the area.

I will provide a more in-depth analysis of the Shenandoah protest as soon as I get some sleep. Dan Amato and Ruth Miller are trying to get the videos of the speeches up by this weekend, and I will provide links to them as soon as they are available. We also have video of the happenings in the crowd, including Dillman’s antics, and that should be available within a few days as well.

To the 600+ patriots we met tonight, God bless you, and we’ll be seeing you again soon!