Browsing All posts tagged under »The Daily Signal (Jack Fitzhenry)«

Supreme Court Deals Major Blow To The Administrative State

June 28, 2024 by


By GianCarlo Canaparo and Jack Fitzhenry ~ The Constitution separates power, the administrative state fuses it. The Constitution gives Congress the power to make law, the president the power to enforce law, and the courts the power to apply law to specific cases. The administrative state takes all three for itself. Today, however, the Supreme […]

Americans’ Right To Speak Suffers A Body Blow From Supreme Court

June 27, 2024 by


By Jack Fitzhenry and Hans von Spakovsky ~ In a setback for First Amendment free speech rights, the Supreme Court on Wednesday held in Murthy v. Missouri that no plaintiff in the case had established standing to challenge the government’s coordinated censorship of dissenting views on COVID-19 and the 2020 election on social media platforms. […]

Reining In Regulatory Agency Fiefdoms With A Dose Of Democracy

July 30, 2023 by


By Jack Fitzhenry and Nick Clifford ~ This fall, the Supreme Court will hear several cases affording promising opportunities to rein in the federal administrative state. The court has agreed to decide cases that challenge the practice of federal courts showing judicial deference to agency interpretations of the laws they are charged with enforcing as […]

Nanny State Throws Kitchen Sink, Aiming For Stove

January 13, 2023 by


By GianCarlo Canaparo and Jack Fitzhenry ~ To some, our public schools are the “nurseries of democracy.” It would be just as accurate to describe the administrative state as the nursery of despotism. Not the cruel “blood and iron” despotism of silly-saluting dictators and their drab-is-fab troopers, but the semi-saccharine, overweening despotism that turns adult […]