Browsing All posts tagged under »FSM (Gadi Adelman)«

Prophecy and Common Sense

August 23, 2012 by


By Gadi Adelman ~ Here, Gadi Adelman interviews Rabbi Aryel Nachman ben Chaim. Gadi Adelman: Rabbi, you know since my return from Israel in 1981 I have been warning the U.S. that terrorism would strike our shores. I was called an alarmist, but that was only because the term “Islamophobe” had yet to be invented. […]

Only Getting Worse

June 5, 2012 by


By Gadi Adelman ~ Since returning to the United States in 1981 I’ve been attempting to educate people on the truth of Islam.  Over the years I have seen dozens of new people emerge writing about the same thing, and it is obviously helping.  There is no doubt that we are making headway and more […]

Who Really Wants War?

March 12, 2012 by


By Gadi Adelman ~ 1969 was the height of the Vietnam war, and one thing it brought the U.S. – aside from 58,209 killed, 153,303 wounded and 2489 (MIA) missing in action – was an entirely new type of music. Many singers and bands jumped on the “anti-war” wagon and many of those songs are […]

Cable Nazi Network

February 14, 2012 by


By Gadi Adelman ~ It was first reported on the Dreuz Info website last Thursday February 9. The article “CNN Israel fired all Jewish journalists” stated in the first paragraph, It is likely to provoke a wave of shock and indignation within the North American media industry, and it certainly will not calm down the […]

Israel: The Real Lone Star State

January 24, 2012 by


By Gadi Adelman ~ What would have been the largest-scale war games in the two countries’ military cooperation history with thousands of U.S. and Israeli Army servicemen, dozens of ships and deck-based aircraft, was called off on January 15th. The ‘Austere Challenge 2012’ was more than just war games. Aside from its size and importance […]

Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty in Peril?

January 10, 2012 by


By Gadi Adelman No surprise here; the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in Egypt denied on Saturday that it had assured Washington it would uphold the 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty. The U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland stated on Thursday that the Islamist movement (MB) and their newly formed ‘Freedom and Justice Party’, pledged to honor the […]

The Alarm Has Been Ringing: It’s Past 9:11 And Time To Wake Up!

September 12, 2010 by


By Gadi Adelman When I returned to the U.S. in 1981 all I wanted to do was enter law enforcement. The problem was I was way ahead of the times. My resume, like all others in the early 1980’s, had a short and long term objective across the top: “Short term objective: to secure a […]

Exclusive: Spitting in the Face of Everyone Murdered on 9/11

May 11, 2010 by


By Gadi Adelman Well, it’s official, we have all lost our minds. I read about this last December, plans for a mosque at Ground Zero, but like a fool, I assumed that New Yorkers would never let this come to pass. A mosque just 600 feet from where the World Trade Center towers once stood. […]

Even If It Were A Joke, It Wouldn’t Be Funny

May 4, 2010 by


By Gadi Adelman (So, the UN is a fine upstanding body with everyone’s best interests at the forefront of their thinking, and now they have been elected to the UN Commission on the Status of Women. Read this post very carefully, and then run that by me again…..TonyfromOz) Editor’s note: The following article contains a […]