Browsing All posts tagged under »CFACT (Frank Lasee)«

Bidenomics And Energy

May 24, 2024 by


By Frank Lasee ~ A big part of Bidenomics is the financial pain and future loss of choices caused by his climate policies. Joe Biden has said he wants to end fossil fuels and attempting it at great cost and risk. Biden has weaponized the entire federal government and filled it with climatistas. They put radical […]

What If We Went Back To A Fossil-Free Society Like The 1800s?

November 5, 2023 by


By Ronald Stein and Frank Lasee ~ The transformation to a fossil-fuel-free, all-electric economy would take the world back to living conditions in the 1800’s by ridding the world of crude oil, coal and natural gas usage and result in: The pre-1800’s, when the world had no fuels other than wood, dung, and crop waste, […]

Hydrogen – Will This Green Dream Prove An Expensive Nightmare?

October 27, 2023 by


By Frank Lasee ~ The White House has awarded $7 billion dollars of tax money for the first seven U.S. hydrogen hubs. They say it will leverage six times as much in private money. Yet, the rules only require a 50/50 match. So, $7 billion in private money is far more likely. Why risk more […]