Browsing All posts tagged under »Baseload Power«

CO2 Tax Australia – Let’s Just Buy Dud Power Stations And Switch Off The Lights, She Babbled Brightly

June 30, 2011 by


By Andrew Bolt Amid all the paragraphs of babble about Labor, the Greens and the independents nearly closing their deal on a perfectly useless carbon dioxide tax comes the briefest of mentions of a disastrous consequence: As the committee settled on compensation for electricity generators, Standard & Poor’s warned that Australian baseload power generators faced […]

Renewable Power Fail – As Usual – July 2010

October 18, 2010 by


You don’t need to read too much these days to be aware of the huge increase in the number of renewable power plants, especially those huge wind towers. In fact, the U.S. currently leads the World in the total power produced from Wind Power Generation. In all, the U.S. now has a Nameplate Capacity total […]

Copenhagen – The Impossible Dream

December 7, 2009 by


CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS AND ELECTRICAL POWER – SCIENCE VERSUS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING A few hours ago, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP15 Conference got under way in Copenhagen. You will see numerous press releases this week regarding this conference, and just how important it will be for the future of the Planet. […]

The Outrageous Claims From The Renewable Power Sector (Part 1)

August 17, 2009 by


PART 1 OF 2 PARTS. This Global Warming Climate Change debate has gotten out of hand now. There has been a huge shift now to the construction of renewable power plants. The three most talked about forms are Wind Power, and the two forms of Solar power, these being Solar Photovoltaic (PV) which uses the […]

Nuclear Electrical Power Generation – Why The Fuss? (Part 11)

August 11, 2009 by


This image shows an artist’s impression of what a future nuclear power plant might look like. Click on the image to open it in a new and larger window. This shows a fourth generation Nuclear Power Plant, and in this case it is a Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR) Power Plant.

Lies, Damned Lies, And Statistics (Part Two)

May 29, 2009 by


PART TWO OF TWO PARTS THE HERESY OF A NEW COAL FIRED POWER PLANT As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, coal fired power provides just on half of all the power consumed in the U.S. Those plants are cheaper than others to construct, there is a ready source of coal for them, in fact more […]

Lies, Damned Lies, And Statistics (Part One)

May 28, 2009 by


PART ONE OF TWO PARTS In this current hysterical climate of anthropogenic global warming, that has now had its title changed to Climate Change, where the emissions of Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse gas are being blamed for every ill known to mankind, I’m going to shine a light directly on what is perceived as the culprit, […]

“We Don’t Need No Stinking Baseload,” FERC Chairman

April 23, 2009 by


Marlo Lewis. Okay, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Chairman Jon Wellinghoff didn’t actually say America doesn’t need coal-fired and nuclear power plants. He stopped short of openly embracing the We Can Solve It! agenda of “repowering” America” with zero-emissions, non-nuclear electricity in 10 years.  He is not an avowed apostle of Gorethodoxy. But he’s close enough for government work. Wellinghoff told reporters (Greenwire, subscription required) that […]

The Waxman Markey Bill – Electrical Power Horror

April 23, 2009 by


I’m going to concentrate on this for the next couple of days, because this is a really important thing for the U.S. and the importance is not in what it hopes to achieve for the environment, but what the importance is to all of us in the wider community. Representative Henry Waxman (D – California) […]

Why Should Nuclear Power Generation Be An Option? (Part 2)

April 2, 2009 by


Part 2 of 5 parts. In the previous post, I mentioned that the closing of coal fired power plants is something that just cannot be done at the whim of green environmentalists, who are not only not aware of the consequences, but are cynically not even bothering to find out about, and then conveniently not […]

Why Should Nuclear Power Generation Be An Option? (Part 1)

April 1, 2009 by


Part 1 of 5 parts. With Earth Hour still fresh in your minds, it’s circumspect to look at what those among you who blindly adhered to this stupidity have in your future. If this great rush to rid ourselves of Coal Fired Electrical Power Plants is forced upon us, we need to look at viable […]

More Electrical Power Misconceptions

February 22, 2009 by


The short series of posts I made about misconceptions about our use of, and the generation of electricity were linked to at another site, and there was a comment posted at that site. The comment was made with the best of intentions no doubt, but again, what it effectively highlights is that misconceptions are easily […]

Electrical Power Misconceptions (Part 2)

February 18, 2009 by


PART 2 OF 3 PARTS In yesterday’s post, I started to try and explain some of the misconceptions about the way we look at electrical power, and the way environmentalists are misinterpreting it, not out of malice, because they probably think they have good intentions, but because they have no concept or understanding of what […]

Why IS The Threat Of CO2 Emissions Dangerous? (It’s Not What You Think) Part 2

February 1, 2009 by


PART 2 OF 2 PARTS. In the previous post, I mentioned that most of the coal fired power plants in the U.S. are reaching the time when their effective life span is almost finished. Regulation of them brought about by what amounts really to a scare campaign, sees any new plans for newer and more […]

More Climate Change Lunacy (Only In California)

January 6, 2009 by


This story is from the Los Angeles Times. The general intent of the story is that those Plasma televisions are contributing to Global Warming Climate Change, because they are large users of electrical power. It’s drawing a long bow at best, and to show you just why, I’ve included this pie chart of household electricity […]

Energy Sound Bytes (Part 3)

November 9, 2008 by


ENERGY SOUND BYTES (PART 3 OF 3 PARTS) Again, as I mentioned in the two earlier posts, this is not a Democrat/Republican thing or a personal criticism of the President Elect, but factual inaccuracies in what he has been advised to say. The seven second sound byte that is obviously an invention of the media […]

Energy Sound Bytes (Part 2)

November 9, 2008 by


ENERGY SOUND BYTES (PART 2 OF 3 PARTS) As I mentioned in the earlier post, this is not personal criticism directed at President Elect Obama, because after all, he only says what his advisers direct him to say. My criticism is directed at those advisers. If they wanted information, then they should find the correct […]

Energy Sound Bytes (Part 1)

November 9, 2008 by


ENERGY SOUND BYTES (PART 1 OF 3 PARTS) Democrat Party followers will read this and again draw a perception that this is just anti Obama rhetoric, which again I stress, it is not. What I endeavour to do is to find just the facts. These are not facts I make up, but facts that are […]

The Death Of The Global Warming Climate Change Debate (Part Two)

October 10, 2008 by


Pie Chart of Atmospheric Gas content. Chart from The Heartland Institute. Click on image to open in a larger window. PART TWO OF TWO. HOW THIS FINANCIAL CRISIS CORRELATES WITH CLIMATE CHANGE. Yesterday I put up this same image of a pie chart and then explained what it actually indicated as to the breakdown of […]

A Moonshot Too Far. (Part 2)

July 20, 2008 by


A MOONSHOT TOO FAR. (Part 2) Mr Gore has spectacularly said that we should make it our mission to replace all the coal fired power plants in the US, and to do it within the next ten years. He likened the task to landing a man on the Moon. He said that this just has […]

Climate Change Delusion.

July 12, 2008 by


On Friday 4th July here in Australia, a report was handed down regarding an Emissions Trading Scheme. It has caused untold debate here in Australia as people take sides. The trouble is that people are taking Political sides. The report was handed down by an eminent economist, Professor Ross Garnaut, and it was commissioned by […]

Kyoto – A Perspective (Part 51)

July 8, 2008 by


CONCLUSIONS (Part 4) Fifteen weeks ago I started this series of posts. It has been a long and involved process, and if the posts have been long, then I apologise for that. I had hoped to probably extend it out to six posts at the maximum, but the more I looked, the more I found. […]

Kyoto – A Perspective (Part 50)

July 7, 2008 by


CONCLUSIONS. (Part 3) Are there options to replace those coal fired power plants? Are they viable? Are they affordable? A cutback of one third of those coal fired plants means replacing fifty plants in the large baseload area, fifty plants of 2000MW size, and if it is to be considered seriously, then those mid sized […]

Kyoto – A Perspective (Part 49)

July 6, 2008 by


CONCLUSIONS. (Part 2) Okay, we’ve established that the largest emission of CO2 comes from those coal fired power plants. Here in the US, we are the most technologically advanced Country on the Planet. Surely then, we can find ways to replace those plants with methods that don’t emit as much CO2. Hatfield’s Ferry Power Plant, […]