Selling Mayor Bloomberg the Brooklyn Bridge

Posted on Thu 08/05/2010 by


Alan CarubaBy Alan Caruba

One of my favorite bloggers is Burt Prelutsky. A veteran Hollywood comedy writer, he despises liberals and has even written a book about it. This week he holds forth on the popularity gap between Republicans and Democrats, but added the following at the end of his commentary:

“Finally, I’m annoyed but not surprised that New York’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg is on board for the 13-story mosque to be built adjacent to Ground Zero. But when you realize that New Yorkers keep re-electing this yutz, even allowing him to break the rule regarding term limits so that they could elect him a third time, I say they deserve to be forced to suck it up and live with the grotesque monument to Islamic barbarism.

Bloomberg, like most liberals, likes to think of himself as sensitive, wise, ecumenical, open-minded and compassionate, when in fact he is a world-class boob who just happens to be rich, and he richly deserves to be played for a sucker by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and his fascistic cronies in CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), the public relations arm of Hamas and Hezbollah.

Next week, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Mr. Rauf has sold Bloomberg a controlling interest in the Brooklyn Bridge.”

Alan Caruba writes a daily post at Warning Signs.
An author, business and science writer, he is the founder of The National Anxiety Center.
© Alan Caruba, 2010

One of my favorite bloggers is Burt Prelutsky. A veteran Hollywood comedy writer, he despises liberals and has even written a book about it. This week he holds forth on the popularity gap between Republicans and Democrats, but added the following at the end of his commentary:

“Finally, I’m annoyed but not surprised that New York’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg is on board for the 13-story mosque to be built adjacent to Ground Zero. But when you realize that New Yorkers keep re-electing this yutz, even allowing him to break the rule regarding term limits so that they could elect him a third time, I say they deserve to be forced to suck it up and live with the grotesque monument to Islamic barbarism.

Bloomberg, like most liberals, likes to think of himself as sensitive, wise, ecumenical, open-minded and compassionate, when in fact he is a world-class boob who just happens to be rich, and he richly deserves to be played for a sucker by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and his fascistic cronies in CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), the public relations arm of Hamas and Hezbollah.

Next week, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Mr. Rauf has sold Bloomberg a controlling interest in the Brooklyn Bridge.”