Happy Mothers Day 2024

Posted on Sun 05/12/2024 by


From all of us here at PA PUNDITS INTERNATIONAL, we would like to extend our wishes for a wonderful Mother’s Day to all of our readers who are Mothers themselves.

In these difficult and somewhat puzzling times, where we are told that in certain sections of society, it is not even correct to say the word ‘Mother’ any more, but there will be none of that here at our site. We all KNOW just who and what a Mother is, and frankly, what we all need the most is that calming peace that Mothers have for their children all the time, and now, we need just that, more than ever.

The Rose shown here is the renowned Peace Rose, first grown in 1945 to signify the hopes for peace after that awful conflict. The rose shown here is the original, which was grown as a white rose. It is the largest selling rose of all time, and has also had numerous different  varieties that have come up since, with different colours adding slightly to the main white colour, mainly in pinks and other delicate pink colours that appear around the edges of the flower.

This Peace Rose perfectly symbolises the peaceful and calming influence that Mothers always seem to have in abundance for their children.

On this day, children remember their mothers with a special affection that Mothers have for their children every day.

Posted in: Peace