Obama Wins Olympic Gold

Posted on Sat 10/10/2009 by


Andrew BoltBy Andrew Boltbarack-obama-run-on-stage-during-rally_thumb

TonyfromOz prefaces …..

We usually only take one post from Andrew Bolt each day, but this one was just so good, I had to include it.

More sensational news from Norway:

Barack Obama has won the 100 metres at the London Olympics, to be run in 2012.

IOC spokesman Che Riviera said the committee had decided to award Obama the gold medal after the president made a series of speeches in which he promised to run an astonishing 9.5 seconds.

“Obama captured the world’s attention, and expressed values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world’s population,” Riviera said.

“We would hope this will enhance what he is trying to do.”

is a journalist and columnist writing for in Melbourne Victoria Australia.

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