A Boy President Plays With Nukes

Posted on Tue 07/07/2009 by


Andrew BoltBy Andrew Bolt

TonyfromOz prefaces …..

Remember that hackneyed old phrase you heard from all beauty contestants during the interview. What would you most like in your life ….. and the answer always seemed to be ‘World Peace’.

Well, Mister President, be the President, not a beauty pageant contestant.

I’m not sure I feel safer now that the President of the United States is implementing a defence policy dreamed up by a student:

BARACK Obama’s trip to Moscow to hammer out nuclear arms reductions is the first concrete step towards the fulfilment of a long and passionately held vision: a nuclear-free world. In a student magazine article written 26 years ago, at the height of the Cold War, the Columbia postgraduate weighed up how the US and Russia might “dial down the danger humanity faces” in pursuit of total nuclear disarmament.

It’s seems that Obama’s thinking on nukes hasn’t grown more sophisticated in a quarter of a century. Change he can’t.

Andrew Bolt is a journalist and columnist writing for The Herald Sun in Melbourne Victoria Australia.

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